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RE: VORTEX Announcement | Highly secure P2P and Steem powered chat application

in #vortex7 years ago

It appears to me that if there's a blockchain, then it's there for everyone to review. Your bits and bytes stay forever. Actually, make that megabytes. So putting encrypted data onto a public blockchain meant for open access is going against the purpose of the steem blockchain.

Please put your messages onto your own, freestanding blockchain. In fact, why do you need a block chain at all. Who cares if your cat is lost or you just ate a tuna fish sandwich five years from now?

D o N o t c l o g u p t h e s t e e m b l o c k c h a i n w i t h s u c h t r i v i a l n o n s e n s e .


Data are sent directly from one contact to another, it's a P2P application where the blockchain act as an incorruptible ledger to verify online identity. The blockchain doesn't store your communications.

Read it again, It is similar to Crypviser

Ah, okay. I missed that part. Sorry about that.

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