Popular than Bing Dwen Dwen, Beijing Winter Olympics is Indispensable to It

in #vonechain2 years ago


Starting from year 2022, the whole nation in China is welcoming a worldwide event, the Beijing Winter Olympics which has ignited the passion of all Chinese citizens in winter activities. At the same time, Beijing also breaks the record by becoming the “all-rounder player” that successfully hosts both Summer and Winter Olympics.

Furthermore, from Eileen Gu to Bing Dwen Dwen, and from short track speed skating team to freestyle skiing aerials team, this year’s Olympics also brings popularity to many “IPs” that have become top searches in the country and attracted many fans which consisted of viewers coming from all over the world.

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Besides that, this year’s Olympics is also known as the “High-Tech Olympics” that is worthy of the name, because many high-tech products had been unveiled and utilized during the event, including blockchain technology which regarded as a disruptive technology in the next generation. Based on its decentralized, open, transparent, tamper-proof and data sharing technical advantages, blockchain technology highly grabbed the public attention by being utilized in many phases in Winter Olympics in order to provide strong support for food safety assurance, copyright protection and governance services during the Olympics. Blockchain technology had become a nameworthy “unsung hero”, and Olympics also made blockchain transform from a high-class concept to something that can truly be implemented in our lives.

You may not expect that, behind the “highlights” of this year’s Winter Olympics are blockchain’s facilitation and empowerment.

Blockchain Technology Shines in Beijing Winter Olympics Arena

01 Virtual Digital Snowflakes

Blockchain technology was being used at the first time during the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony of Beijing Winter Olympics had shown the charm of eastern culture and perfect combination between ancient China and contemporary China, while revealing a vibrant and high-spirited contemporary China style and performing a magnificent visual feast for winter lovers all over the world.

During the opening ceremony, the most attractive show was “A Snowflake”. The Olympics cauldron shaped like a huge snowflake was the combination of 96 small snowflakes which represented the participating countries and regions, meanwhile in online streaming, CMG Mobile’s “Digital Snowflake” also led millions of viewers to “float into Bird’s Nest” via modern and high-tech way so that more people can share the honour of this moment together.

Based on MetaStudio digital content production line, CMG Mobile is the first media to use series of cutting-edge technologies such as media AI, cloudrender, blockchain and so on to generate “Digital Snowflakes” together so that everyone can participate in Olympics, enjoy Olympics and integrate in Olympics.

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Special characteristic of “Digital Snowflakes” is to generate “My Winter Olympics Digital Snowflakes” certificate based on blockchain technology and achieve “there is no two pieces of the same snowflakes in the world” result through combining user ID and blockchain technology. The certificate which attaches distinctive and unique information, for example snowflake ID number, time of deposit, time service certificate number, data Hash value and etc. makes every “Digital Snowflake” to become digital asset and store snowflake ID eternally without being tampered and hacked.

According to news, this year’s Winter Olympics opening ceremony had issued a total of 15 million “Digital Snowflakes”. If calculated based on the current number of netizens in the whole country, which is 1 billion+, it can be predicted that in few years later, “Digital Snowflake” will become a precious asset.

A small “Digital Snowflake” makes us realize that, followed by the development of mobile Internet and metaverse concept, people can obtain digital identity and sense of accomplishment in "virtual world” which is out of reality, while discovering more possibilities in terms of social interaction.

02 Food Safety Traceability in Olympic Village

In this year’s Winter Olympics, canteen of the Olympic Village also became a popular search in social networking site. Many netizens were mouth-watering after seeing the sumptuous Olympics delicacy. The Olympic canteen in this year’s Winter Olympics provided 678 special menus from all over the world with continuous supply for 24 hours a day, hence this maintained the eating habits and inherent customs of athletes coming from different countries and regions to the greatest extent.

Furthermore, while providing high-quality and delicious meal, food safety is the first place throughout the process. Among these, inadvertent doping due to dietary supplements is the most essential point of food safety monitoring in major sporting event. Once athlete was detected positive in doping test, medal that he or she won will be revoked immediately.

Moreover, one thing that makes Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics more special is that, this is a global sporting event held under the background of regular COVID-19 pandemic, therefore food safety assurance still faces the challenge of COVID-19 pandemic prevention.

Image source: network

In the long food supply chain, how to monitor effectively and accurately also becomes a big difficulty. Meanwhile, how to locate the source where error occurs is also very important once issue was found. If we take pork as an example, pork enters into general warehouse after going through processes such as raising, slaughtering, cutting, frozen and so on, then it will be placed on the dining table after cooking, thus any part of the phases will have the possibility to occur microbial contamination. Besides that, for imported food, supply chain not only will become longer, risk of COVID-19 testing and pandemic prevention will also grow bigger.

Via decentralized, tamper-proof, open, transparent and data sharing technical characteristics, blockchain technology solves difficulties of food traceability in major sporting event at the right time. As we know that, this year’s Winter Olympics established a set of food safety traceability system based on blockchain technology. This system achieved mutual link between real food material and digital identity, and also anti-counterfeiting and tamper proof of assurance label and traceability information, while realizing whole process monitoring and ensuring source and process of full supply chain of all food in Olympic canteen starting “from farmland to dining table” can be checked and traced.

03 Winter Olympics Copyright Protection

Copyright has always been an important “asset” in major sporting event. Recently, copyright fees of local and international major sporting events drastically increase, but “piracy person” hiding in the dark still can be frequently seen. Hence, as the top “IP” in sports, Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics also face “piracy” issues.

“Centralized Action of Copyright Protection” of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was initiated together by 6 departments, which are the National Copyright Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, National Radio and Television Administration and Cyberspace Administration of China. In order to protect the Olympics’ copyright, this year’s Olympics applied advanced blockchain technology to carry out real time taking of evidence. Based on piracy and copyright infringement action in live streaming and short clips, China Central Television (CCTV) carried out real time taking of evidence through modern technical methods such as blockchain technology, timestamp and etc. so that follow-up law enforcement and litigation will be easier. This action had solved pain points regarding difficulties in obtaining evidence and protecting rights on piracy issues in the past, while producing demonstration effect for copyright protection of various sporting events in future.

04 Winter Olympics-Themed Mobile Game

During the Winter Olympics, International Olympic Committee (IOC) issued a multiplayer mobile game “Olympics Games Jam: Beijing 2022” together with nWay, the subsidiary company of famous mobile game development company Animoca Brands. Player can participate in winter sport games such as ski cross of freestyle skiing, mountain skiing, short track speed skating etc. and compete with other players in order to win digital asset badges with elements including Olympic mascot, pictograms and so on. Digital asset which relies on the empowerment of blockchain made Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics recording the Olympic history in a brand new way.

05 Bing Dwen Dwen Digital Blind Box is On Sale

Talking about the biggest “internet celebrity” in this year’s Winter Olympics, it will definitely be Bing Dwen Dwen. While Beijing Winter Olympics was taking place, Winter Olympics mascot “Bing Dwen Dwen” also became popular all around the world. According to the official news from International Olympic Committee (IOC), Bing Dwen Dwen’s digital blind box EPIC BOX authorized by IOC was put on sales starting from 1a.m. midnight on 12th of February with quantity of 500 and selling price of USD 99 each, while each person can purchase up to 5 boxes.

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Based on the introduction in official website, EPIC BOX includes 3 official authorized digital brooches (1 epic model and 2 rare models), 15 winter sports performed by Bing Dwen Dwen, such as skiing, skeleton, snowboarding and etc., 5 versions of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics official emblems and 1 version of official poster. This is no doubt a precious digital asset for majority sport fans.


Since blockchain being increased to national strategic level in year 2019, then being listed into range of new infrastructure by National Development and Reform Commission for the first time in year 2020, until being firstly included in National Five-Year Plan in year 2021, we can predict that starting from year 2022, blockchain will face the trend of centralized implementation.

It is easy to see that, nowadays development of blockchain technology is moving into fast track, while showing an enormous value and wide prospect in terms of facilitating digital economy, empowering real economy and achieving efficient governance.

As the blockchain innovator, Vonechain Technology conducts in-depth research on underlying layer technology and introduces various disruptive and innovative products such as VoneTracer blockchain traceability platform, VoneDAO blockchain autonomous organizational platform and etc. Furthermore, Vonechain Technology also achieves implementation application in various sectors like finance, tax, government affairs, medical, education, food traceability and so on.

In future, driven by both technology and business, as a national high and new technological enterprise, Vonechain Technology will also contribute its part in food safety assurance, copyright protection, digital asset and etc. of all major sporting events.

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