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RE: Serious question: about a voluntaryist/anarchist society

When you say "pay use tribute or we'll use our pile of guns on you" reminds me more of la Cosa Nostra than big government (haha). Anyways to answer your ever so enigmatic question, I'd have to suggest in order to prevent such rising powerhouses, the rest of the vountary society would have to refuse goods, services, or just straight up NOT doing business with the faction in question. This would prevent any funds from being directed to the group and theoretically shut down the would-be mafia before it gained momentum and/or popularity.


This assumes that you don't start with inequalities. How do you avoid that?

Your answer assumes coordination. You say "the rest of the society" would have to decide to do something, but because there's no government to coordinate them, there is no effective "society" that can make decisions as a unit. There are only individuals, and individuals are vulnerable to coercion.

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