Let your voice be heard

in #voiceshares7 years ago (edited)

Pic credit: 'first feather: light at the end of the tunnel' by girlwithoutwings

Let your Voice be Heard
This is a true story that has literally only just reached resolution, and very sadly, only by going to extreme lengths to ensure my medical care could be moved somewhere where I felt safe. I am both saddened and shocked at what occurred. This contest therefore very apt for me right now!

I've been accused of being mad.
It's not true.
The truth is
I'm simply not prepared
To slump into
Or socially conditioned
To shut my mouth and
Grieve silently
Whilst those who have
And callously
Abused their position of
Continue to
Abuse their power and,
In doing so,
Cripple me.

I've been told I'm aggressive.
Nothing's further from the truth.
But perhaps I don't speak
The same language
As those who exist
Within the confines of four walls
And box ticking booths.
My truth?
My wings soar on love,
Keeps me grounded,
But then so does
And the more my voice
Is squashed
The more I find
It hard to love.

I've been accused of causing trouble.
Truth is I never wanted
Anything less,
To me healing
Is a whole thing
Not a half thing,
Where differences
Meet in resolution
Heartfelt understanding and
Respect for others.
The truth?
My voice was silenced,
Put in a box and marked:
'This woman is
Potentially violent,'
Until my screams
Got too extreme
And violence -
But only in a paper way,
Became the only way,
To finally
Emerge triumphant
And break free.
How silly.
If they'd only listened
My heart would never have
Been broken
And it could have all been
So easy.

My blog is story telling, often in verse, and some of which includes tales of both living with, and crushing, seronegative arthritis. All work is original.

Follow me: (https://steemit.com/@girlwithoutwings)


This is very interesting read. I feel sorry for you to be misunderstood your whole life, but I'm glad that you managed to break free in the end. :)

You can write, that's for sure. Keep doing it! :)

Just a little tip: next time put some nice picture that fit in your post. That way people will find it more interesting when scrolling. Just my thought. You don't need to do that to write beautiful poetry. :)

Love your work, followed and I'll be looking for more. :)

Thank you for lovely long feedback. A pic would have been good - but on holiday so struggling with highly inadequate phone. Lol. Haha on holiday - maybe shouldnt been entering comps whilst my daughter insists I watch her play pool :) and this stress : not my whole life. Just the last couple of years, but that's the longest story in the world.

I'm sorry to hear that, but expressing yourself through poetry can be a big relief. I always write about things that bother me the most and in that way I manage to better deal with it.

And in case you didn't know; you can also add any pictures from the internet. All you need to do is give a credit to the image by citing its source. You can find more about it here if you are interested. :) https://steemit.com/steemit/@jokster/credit-your-images-a-guide-for-new-users#@mitneb/re-jokster-credit-your-images-a-guide-for-new-users-20170828t195214910z

Oh i didnt know! I set up a website and was told I couldn't do that so instead I got some friends and we did our own images which was great fun. Poetry is an incredible healing mode. However I do also just write pure fantasy poetry and somehow I find these stories more healing - I suppose because I'm dealing with stuff in the abstract. Thank you so very very much. Xx

Just for you @jokster was trying to photograph some doves but failed lol. This pic is entitled 'first feather: light at the end of the tunnel' :) good tip xxx

Excellent piece. Nothing brings out the best in us like pain and how we deal with it. Keep fighting, and keep writing!

Haha nothing like pain to bring out the worst in us too - and, it seems, in those around us. However, pain and suffering can also be utterly transformational if steered correctly, that's for certain! Thank you for your lovely comment xx

You're right. Some of the people with the most grace and dignity I have ever seen were people that lived with pain. It's all about what we decide to do with it and if we are going to let it boss us around or if we are going to be the boss.

True. However, pain changes us too and what's behind closed doors is rarely seen in public. Im a very positive public face in my community, it helps me thrive. Privately im different. Im sure everyone with severe pain has different faces.

Certainly, but it says something about you that you can be positive in public. That can't be easy at all.

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