15-11-2017 || Daily Star Vocabulary

in #vocabulary7 years ago

Daily Star Vocabulary
###- Madness in the Middle East - Is Lebanon in the firing line?......(Editorial)

  1. semblance of stability - স্থিতিশীলতার চেহারা
  2. detention - আটক(obstruction,hindrance)
  3. failed invasions ব্যর্থ আক্রমণ
    Full Column link....( http://www.thedailystar.net/…/madness-the-middle-east-leban…)

- Asia's unacceptable record......(opinion)

  1. forced sexual exploitation - জোরপূর্বক যৌন শোষণ
  2. modern slavery and human trafficking আধুনিক দাসত্ব এবং মানব পাচার
  3. coherent strategy - সুসঙ্গত কৌশল
    Full Column Link.....( http://www.thedailystar.net/…/asias-unacceptable-record-149…)
    ###- March 7 Speech: JS thanks Unesco for recognition......(back page)
  4. unanimously adopted a resolution - সর্বসম্মতিক্রমে একটি সমাধান গৃহীত
  5. assassinated - গুপ্তহত্যা করা
    3 resurrected - পুনরূজ্জীবিত করা(revived,restored)
  6. extempore speech - বিনা প্রস্তুতিতে বক্তৃতা
  7. wage a decisive struggle - একটি নিষ্পত্তিমূলক সংগ্রামের মজুরি
  8. struggle for emancipation - মুক্তিরর জন্য সংগ্রাম
    Full Column Link......( http://www.thedailystar.net/…/march-7-speech-js-thanks-unes…)

- Another fresh Rohingya exodus? ....... (sub-editorial)

  1. exodus - প্রস্থান
  2. impunity - মুক্তি
  3. condemning atrocities - নৃশংসতার নিন্দা
  4. apparently emboldened - দৃশ্যত উদ্দীপ্ত
    5 goal to depopulate - দমন করা
  5. continued violence and persecution - অব্যাহত সহিংসতা এবং নিপীড়ন
  6. malnutrition is running rampant - অপুষ্টি ক্রমবর্ধমান চলছে
  7. crisis is looming - সঙ্কট নিরসন হয়
  8. ludicrous - হাস্যকর
  9. subject of inquiry - তদন্তের বিষয়
    Full Sub Editorial......
    Another fresh Rohingya exodus?
    International inaction breeding impunity
    The fact that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) failed to pass a resolution and handed out merely a statement condemning atrocities committed against the Rohingya people has apparently emboldened the Myanmar security forces. If what the International Red Cross (IRC) fears comes true, Bangladesh may be facing a fresh exodus of Rohingyas, numbering as many as 200,000 people, pouring over the border in the coming weeks! If another 200,000 are pushed out it would virtually fulfil Myanmar's long-term goal to depopulate the Rakhine State of the Rohingya minority group.
    It would appear that the world community has turned its back on the continued violence and persecution of the Rohingyas. While Bangladesh reels from the pressures of looking after nearly a million people on its soil, we have neither received the necessary foreign financial commitments from the developed nations, nor have any meaningful steps been taken by the UNSC that could check the violence against an unarmed people. The children and the old are the worst hit by the violence in Rakhine State and malnutrition is running rampant amongst those lucky enough to have escaped the violence and ended on our side of the border.
    We have done our best to provide shelter and humanitarian assistance to these displaced people. A public health crisis is looming on the horizon, and it is ludicrous to think that Bangladesh should go on bearing the responsibility of keeping Rohingyas safe indefinitely while the UNSC debates on and on about whether it should or should not pass a resolution condemning the actions of the Myanmar government. The time for proactive action has arrived and the manner in which the Rohingyas have been treated should be subject of inquiry by the international war crimes tribunal at The Hague.
    Støic Fulmia

helpful post..... thanks ... want more..

So NIce ,..... Upvote me ..... @faruk360 i am new Member of Steemite plz helpe me ...