Vocab-ability–251 (vinc, vic, vanqu = conquer) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

Each daily “Vocab-ability 1x1” post has 2 main features, as follows:  

One “Vocab-ability” entry

By spending 5 minutes reviewing today’s “Vocab-ability” entry (below), you can learn the vocab roots and many high-level English words.    

One “Vocab Practice” exercise (for UpVotes

By spending another 10–15 minutes, you can practice using today’s words by composing your own sample sentences. Your practice efforts will be rewarded with UpVotes.     (See “Vocab Practice” rules and notes below)    Today’s “Vocab- ability” entry

With this ‘Mini-Guide,’ you can identify the components in the “Vocab-ability”  entry above.

(To facilitate your quick reference, the ‘Mini-Guide’ has been minimized. For the full "Guide to Entries," right-click here.)

      Introduction – For "Intro to Vocab-ability," right-click here
      Guide – For full "Guide to Entries," right-click here
      Index– For "Index" to all Chapters and Sections, right-click here

Note re Copying each Entry

Each separate post in the “Vocab-ability”  series consists of one entry (one text-box). To use any of these “Vocab-ability”  entries for your personal study or in any classroom, you can download them by clicking and dragging the text-box that you want to use, and then print them out.  

Note re Free Use 

Please feel free to download the above text-box, copy it, print it out, and distribute it for any and all educational purposes. If “Vocab-ability”  helps you or your students to increase your English vocabulary, it will have served its purpose.   
(I hold the copyright to the original “Vocab-ability” guide, which was published in 2002. I hereby grant free use of all the material contained in this post and in all other “Vocab-ability” posts on Steemit).



  1. Victory:
    A victory is coming when we release "Quest in the Realm," a product of the @bananafish knights coming out Feb. 11th.

  2. Invincible:
    I'd like to say that we are invincible but the bullet holes I'm finding in my body tell me otherwise.

  3. Vanquish:
    I had to vanquish the lines that wanted to stay in this written piece.

  4. Convince:
    Perhaps, after my years of loyal service and some "heavy" bending of the truth, you will willing help us promote the above quest.

@majes.tytyty - Just maybe you will be willing to help support us, @bananafish, anyway that you can. Here is a very short and brief post I freewritted just now (it's cold and I'm going to bed). Also, I'm not great at marketing 8-) ahahaha. But, you'll get the gist at the moment I think.


Will check it out.

@majes.tytyty - I do remember you saying that the fiction stuff wasn't up your particular alley, but I still thought you might like helping the "Quest in the Realms" project when it come out (me being one of the writers for it. It's looks great by the way. Very fun, for me at least 8-)

I saw your comment on the haiku. Do you write them?

I've been writing them for a few months now, first with vdux and then with bananafish when they came out. I like that bananafish is attempting to teach people about what a haiku is and is not.

No, I don't write much haiku, or any other poetry. In my (long) life, I've completed a total of 2 poems. Of debatable quality.

I'm not that far ahead of you in poetry writing.

Lovely and brilliant example!

You see what I do for fun. 8-)


  1. The athelete celebrated their win by doing a victory lap around the track.

  2. The boxer seemed invincible but by the eighth round started to tire and lost the fight.

  3. St George vanquished the dragon.

  4. The politician spouted a lot of facts and figures to try to convince voters his policies were right.


  1. Many celebrities joined Manny Pacquiao's victory party.
  2. I feel like invincible after meditation.
  3. He vanquish the devil through his powerful prayer.
  4. In order to convince a child, you must act like a child.

Good work!

I celebrated early when Manny beat Floyd M. But then the judges reversed my decision!! Grrr!

Don't worry, Manny vs Floyd part 2 is coming.


  1. Having you as my wife is my own kind of VICTORY.
  2. He has always been INVINCIBLE since he does everything so well.
  3. Goodness always has the power to VANQUISH evil; all we have to do is to choose it, and do it.
  4. It took me a lot of CONVINCING to eventually make him realize that his plans were wrong.


  1. victory
    I tried to get the victory of this match to make my team proud of me.

  2. invincible
    When I go travelling it makes me feel invincible!

  3. vanquish
    In most of the movies, the heroes usually vanquish the citizens.

  4. convince
    I tried to convince my travelling team to go to Barcelona in March and I made it! :)


  1. Victory is only certain through hard work and perseverance.
  2. To remain invincible, I had to keep training through out the winter.
  3. I was able to vanquish my fear of loosing only through constant practice.
  4. To convince my coach I was ready for the match, I had to gain over 50 lbs in 5 days.

Good work!

Over the past few decades, I've gained over 50 lbs. Do you think I'm ready for any match???

Sure with this weight gain, F. Mayweather stand no chance against you!
However, do remember to take up an insurance policy... Haha!

Regards always!


  1. His victory was a great surprise to everyone

  2. He seems so invincible in all battles

  3. They plan to vanquish the current government in power

  4. No wonder will be able to convince me to change my stance


  1. The stuggle continues, victory is certain.
    2.The team has proven to be invincible this season.
  2. After the war, Gowon declared that there is no vanquished and no victor.
  3. She did a lot of work to convince the officers.

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  1. Victory.
    The other side claimed victory as the judge handed down the verdict in favor of the Plaintiff.

  2. Invincible.
    I remember when I was a teenager and used to think I was invincible, until I fell and broke my ankle.

  3. Vanquish.
    Eventually the protest was vanquished by the police, who were on horseback.

  4. Convince.
    Her mother had to convince her daughter to stop dating the teenager who was just jailed because of raping another young woman.


  1. He had a well deserved victory over his opponent.
  2. His extraordinary fighting skills made him very invincible.
  3. The enemies were vanquished when bombs were dropped on their camps.
  4. He couldn't convince his boss to give him a raise.

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