in #vlog6 years ago (edited)

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Hey lovely people!

Today I was recording some of my moments of the day and I used my whole lunch break for you entertainment! At least I tried to.. But see yourself ;)

Please answer some or at least one of my questions from within the video!

I really really appreciate your opinion, tips and other stories in the comments! Yoyoyoyoyo!

Peace !

This video was uploaded with the @onelovedtube IPFS uploader ! So it will be watchable on d.tube as long as I want :P Here you can find more informations

mentions: @buttcoins @dtube

music: https://epidemicsound.com

Please resteem, upvote and comment this post to support my channel

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Alle deutschen @Videomacher und Leute, die uns unterstützen möchten:
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▶️ DTube


Am Ton gibt's nix auszusetzen finde ich.

Weiß ehrlich gesagt auch nicht wieso ich deine vlogs schaue😀
Glaube die ersten waren auch für mich etwas "merkwürdig". Schaue die aber schon gern wenn mein Internet zulässt.

2,20€ für ne belegte ist schon etwas happig. Fast schon Autobahnraststätten Niveau.

Pferde sind durch ihre schiere Größe schon Respekt einflößend. Bisher habe ich aber noch keine schlechten Erfahrungen gemacht.

Heyyyy @matschi treibt mal wieder im Kommentarbereich sein Unwesen :D
Haha zum Glück schaust Du und bist interessiert daran :) Aber das kommt ggf. davon, dass wir schon "eine gewisse Bindung" aufgebaut haben.
Heute kommt noch einer, der dann etwas experimenteller ist ^^ Wollte mal ein bisschen die Möglichkeiten der Schneidsoftware auf meinem Handy ausnutzen haha

2,20 ist richtig krass, ne ? ich geh da auch nie wieder hin. Die sind nicht nur teuer, sondern auch unfreundlich und ich hatte Glück, dass es überhaupt noch etw. mit Käse gab. Naaaaja

Schlechte Erfahrungen habe ich auch noch nicht gemacht. Aber ich denke, ich bin ein bisschen ein Angstmensch:

  • Angst vor großen Tieren
  • Angst vor Hunden (auch kleinen)
  • Höhenangst
  • und vllt. noch viel viel mehr.

Ich denke, das könnte eine kleine Challenge für mich sein, mal meine Ängste anzugehen. Mal sehen ^^

Danke wie immer für Dein Kommentar und Dein Daumenhoch für den Ton. Dann lass ich mal das unnütze Investieren :)

I really like your video. You are my favorite on the dtube.video platform, you are very total, where you spend a lot of capital to reach your destination. teach me to make a friend's video.

Hey thank you very much for this nice words my friend :)
I was commenting under your stuff! You've seen it ;)

Peace !


The sound is good for me :)

I totally get the "Yikes, didn't do the research" haha
Really like you energy and those glasses :)

Haha thank you :)

I really need to research before making a plan lol

Thanks for sneeking in and watching! I aprreciate your comment.
The energy comliment was the best one!

Peace !


your sound was great, I thought.

You did make me think about stuff that I have that I don't use......... thanks for that.....

I will have to go try to find the video you were talking about that made you think :D

Thanks a lot for your Feedback and I am glad I was able to actually inspire you :)
The whole channel of @buttcoins made me think hehe - Check him out!

Thanks for passing by and for watching!



positive energy and commitment :)

Thanks a lot @frankvalchiria :) That means a lot for me dude!

keep going Always

I watched the whole Vlog and it was really nice getting to know your more about what kind of person you’re.

I’ve lots feedback and opinions. I guess I’ll share it with you when I meet you in Person @ SteemFest3.

I just wanted say this..
Some people love filming and editing and all the process of making Vlogs like you did in this video.

And my intentions is to make Dtube for everyone not just for professional videographers and some dtubers are start to think they need to buy all the tools and try to compare themselves to others.

I really want Dtubers to enjoy sharing something with fellow Dtubers and think in-terms of value. Also to understand that our community is very small and we need more people join us.

In summary the contents that we create at the moment might seem not valuable but as the dtube start to grow we’ll have larger audiences and some people will see value in our content.

Anyway I can certainly see you’re enjoying being part of Dtube Revolution and I’m so happy about that.

Need to find more happy and driven dtubers..lol

Bye for now!!

Thanks a lot for your words and watching my friend!

I am looking forward and I am really really excited to speak with you eye-to-eye in Krakow :) I think you already know that I will be just in the city not at steemfest itself. I wasn't able to take holiday for the days before weekend and thought I can't afford the full entry for just one day.

So we need to meet in a cafe or something like this: That will by very cool and intimated.

Back2topic: I agree with you about that tech-stuff.
I am absolutely also on the position to say that no additional equipement is neccessary for making good dtube content.
But also I believe that we need to use our resources to fulfill our own commitment to quality and our own growth regarding video making.

And if someone has the tools - for example:

  • a desklamp shining in the face for better light conditions
  • a place at home with a clear background or
  • more

People want to get better in what they are doing and we all are on different levels in content creation sure.
I would never buy an expensive camera like @dnews or @veganroma got because I dont think it will fit into my workflow. There are definetly people out there thinking they never want to buy a gimal or stereo recorder and that is good :) We all are different and I like that so much :D

You actually inspired me for a new video :) Thank you !



keep hustling and growing. you are doing it right :)

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