Dtube explore|Lange Beach is in Lam Lhom Village, Aceh Besar.

in #vlog6 years ago

Lange Beach is in Lam Lhom Village, Aceh Besar. Also from this beach, you can enjoy an interesting spot known as Ie Rah Beach, two fountains that slide from behind the rocks.

The exoticism of Lange Beach which is still "virgin" makes many local travelers or backpackers curious to explore its beauty behind the mountains.

Mid-March 2014, the Aceh Tourism Team traced Lange. The trip starts from Banda Aceh City to the Lampuuk Tourism Area. It takes about 30 minutes with a distance of about 20 kilometers. Or if you pass the Banda Aceh-Lhok Nga highway about 15 minutes.

We passed the entrance gate of Lampuuk Beach, stopped for a moment at the Rahmatullah Mosque, the mosque that survived the 2004 tsunami disaster, even though it was on the edge of the sea. From here, we access the village road to face an intersection on the Meunasah Lamgirek Gampong road.

There is an information board Joel’s Bungalow plugged in as a guide. We turn right to meet the famplet to Lange Beach and Lampuuk Mountains.

Turn left to continue the trip. Touching a quiet forest. Enter the footpaths, rocks, and uphill. We were guided by Rahmad Taufik, who had twice been to Lange. We parked the motorbike at a saung because we had planned a plan to spend the night there.

Must climb Mount Lampuuk before reaching Lange. This is the hardest phase. Climbing with a 45 degree slope takes one hour. But after coming down the mountain, there was a bamboo saung that we could use as a place to gather energy.

Next we followed a flat winding path. The road as wide as the body of this jeep looks like a former stream. We followed it with small stones neatly arranged as a footing. Tropical forests canopy canopy our trekking. Even so, the afternoon sun shines through the cracks of large rooted trees.

"Like in the Jurassic Park film," Taufik said, likening the forest conditions as in the scene of a Hollywood film about Dinosaurs. Half an hour passed, we finally reached the hill that ended the journey. Some large pandan trees beautify the natural panorama. The Indian Ocean stretches as far as the eye can see. The sun sinks round. The coastline looks clean underneath with a deep yellow color. Lange Beach is like a long canvas that is ready to be smeared with twilight lines.

Rahmad Taufik took us to Ie Rah Beach, about 500 meters to the right of Lange Beach. Down the hill, along the scaly beach sand. We really like walking in the desert if only the waves were heard. The sun emits a pink hue in the second seconds. While we must immediately pass a large cliff with a height of 4 meters to reach Ie Rah. There are two options. Climb it carefully. Or take the side of the sea to cross through a rock gap.

After that, we walked along the cliffs, like a colony of ants walking on small stones in the yard.

"That is Ie Rah Beach," said Rahmad Taufik while pointing at the two points that spewed the fountain in the distance.

Two water points slid from the rock on the shoreline. Like a water pump. The height of the shower can reach 5 meters. Almost lush scenery. The day will be dark. We immediately put up a tent to spend the night in peace. There is a lot of firewood around it, facilitating our preparation.

The starry glittered in the sky. The waves crash against the rhythmic reef. The Aceh Tourism Team together with five other young men, at that time, filled the night with a creativity.

Ikbal Fanika, Aceh Tourism photographer, practices a photography technique called light trail photography. The technique of tracing light in darkness. We also wrote "We love Lange" with the light of a cellphone lamp.

After that, we shared stories while coffee. Sea rumbling and the sound of animals hammering from the wilds behind the tent. A bonfire that danced enough to make us enjoy enjoying Ie Rah. Far from the noise of the city, the population, and the load hormones disappear in the head.

"A bonfire cannot die if you sleep in the forest, because it can invite wild animals," said Fahrijal, another friend. We prepared large firewood. It is still burning when we wake up at 5 am.

But the sunrise is invisible from Ie Rah. Even so, the feel of the morning remains peaceful. Fountain of coral reefs. Walking in the sand that hasn't been traced. Cooking for breakfast together before going home.

Before leaving the location, Taufik, who is also a nature lover, asked us not to leave a trace. Tidy up tents. Citing plastic waste, fill it in a large bag. He then tied him around his waist, brought him home as a form of protecting the environment.

Enjoying natural attractions in Lange and Ie Rah is free. If you want to go there, don't forget to bring supplies and equipment to spend the night according to the itinerary. It takes at least two large bottles of mineral water per person for the night there. Ask for permission from the residents in the last village before going to Lange, it would be nice if they accompanied. (Makmur Dimila)


There has been a mistake in the opening paragraph of this article. Lange Beach is actually in the Lampuuk area, not "in the village of Lam Lhom".

Then in the third paragraph, the correct writing is "Lhoknga" not "Lhok-Nga".

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