More Tahoe Fall Photo Fun This Weekend! (including a bit of "how-to")

in #vlog6 years ago (edited)

On Friday, I headed out again with my good friend Tony for some more fall color photography fun up above Lake Tahoe. The colors of the aspens had turned a bit more since last week and we ended up with some pretty cool sunset photos and Milky Way photos. Please join us on this little over night photo adventure where I show you the cool scenery as well as I talk a bit about camera settings and techniques. The keeper photos can be seen throughout the video.

Thank you for watching!

Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography


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@scottshots, it's always a pleasure to watch your videos! Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome, glad you liked the video @cryprospa! Yours are always fun to watch too when I catch them. Cheers!

Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Really cool location for sunsets and these fall colors are amazing there!

Btw maybe you can share a little advice. For a long time I have wanted a telephoto lens to my collection so Im seeking something from professional side. Ideally I would take Nikon 70-200 f2.8 (3200$ in Estonia) but no way in hell I have this money. So there is Tamron 70-200 f2.8 G2 version(1650$). As I found out, picture quality is pretty much the same as this Nikon's and high end telephoto Canon's as well. Maybe you know anything about this Tamron, is there a serious reason why this is much cheaper ?
Also, if you know any other lens like this that have best price and quality ratio let me know.

Im using Nikon( D5600 ) body.

i can just add that i am using sigma 18-35 for few years now (on canon 600d and 80d) and i had no problems with it. both sigma and tamron were always cheaper than "originals" and few years ago you could see the difference in build quality but sigma started making quality lenses, and i saw that tamaron with this new series did good.

Cool! Yup, Sigma keeps getting better and better too. It's nice that we have less expensive choices that are great quality too these days.

Same here! I use Sigma 18-50 2.8 macro one for some time now and have no issues with it.

Thank you @greddyforce! It's a great location indeed.
I can't give you any specific lens info on what lens to use as I haven't done a bunch of research on that lately. However, I can tell you that the off-brand lenses are getting better and better all the time. Unless you are printing huge prints or you need to "impress" a client when you show up on a job, I don't think there is any need to spend the extra on the Nikon lens over the Tamron. I hope that helps!

Yeah thanx! I could get 70-200 f4 Nikon for the same money but I think 2.8 is better investment so im pretty sure im going with the Tamron. This lens came out year ago and has all the latest technologies, 5 axis vibration reduction, superfast autofocus, nano crystal glass and so on. Even looks better than Nikon one in my opinion :D Right now Im comparing Tamron and 3k$ Nikon photos on pixel level side by side and cant tell much of a difference. Only situation when Tamron starts to lose is when wide open and fully zoomed out. And this can be fixed when set up to f6.
To me this is minimal difference haha. Of course I dont consider myself as professional as well :D
So yeah I think this will kick ass for this price.

I've used the Tamron G2 70-200 on a Canon 6D and it was a sweet lens for whatever it's worth! Definitely hoping to purchase one at some point.

Nice! Glad you were able to give a recommendation on that lens. Thank you.

Thanx, this confirms my buy plans even more. Well worth the investment.

No problem! Good luck!

I forgot to add 6 year warranty too, thats pretty exceptional.

Well if the Tamron lens looks better than the Nikon, it's a no-brainer! Haha! Yup, that all sounds awesome and it should work great for you. The warranty is a pretty sweet bonus.

there is an app that predicts sunsets?
nice light painting there.

Thank you! Yes, there's a few out there but lately my favorite is MySunset: However it let me down for this photoshoot... haha! The weather is super hard to predict where I live, the weather apps often get things wrong too so I don't usually only go by what the apps say. Sometimes I head out and just cross my fingers.

thanks. i will check it out to see how it works.


he is a awesome photographer "as well"
Hope i had the same self-confident to talk about my self that highly.
(just having fun watching your video)

Hahaha! Well, I do believe I had a couple of beers in me at that point... Thanks for watching!

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