Be A Product Of Your Product!

in #vlog6 years ago (edited)

How can I possibly follow up last week's vlog?

Heck, I even made it to the trending page on Steemit....Of course you had to scroll down about 100 posts to find mine, but still....That was one of the most popular posts I've ever done...

And for me, I believe I can ONLY talk about what I actually live and that's today's vlog topic....

You have to be a product of your product!

If I'm going to rave and talk about how much I love the STEEM blockchain...I will tell the world. I will use the apps. I will promote this blockchain and tell as many people as I can...

This is home!

This is where I will be!

And this is where YOU should be as well!

I hope you enjoy the vlog and get value from it....

Here's a few examples of what I've been doing around the 'interwebs' to promote STEEM and tell the world...This is where we allneed to be!


Jon Olson   Jon_G_Olson    Twitter.png

(My Twitter Header now...)



(My Instagram posts...Thanks to @brandonfrye for the image)

My Personal Blog

Plus 1 Daily   To become better at sunset than we were at sunrise .png

(I haven't posted here in months...Which is crazy cause I used to post about 3-4 times a week on it...It's all on Steemit now!)

The more we tell our friends and followers on other social media platforms, that this is where we spend the majority of our time and create content for each app....The more chance we have of spreading the STEEM message!

Extra special thanks to @kevinli for the help and suggestions to make my videos better. Dude you are a wealth of knowledge and I appreciate that you took time to give me some suggestions....I did one of them lol More to come when my life isn't as chaotic with moving houses :))

▶️ DTube



LOVE IT!! First off, congratulations on hitting Trending! That's pretty awesome man. You definitely deserve it with all of your hard work.

I have also naturally moved away from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I've only posted to Facebook once in the last month which was to promote Steemit. Same thing with Twitter. 😁

And to hit on what you were saying. I think it's a benefit to us who come from a marketing background. We understand the payoff at the end of the day from putting in hard work and expecting nothing in return. It's a matter of consistency and connecting. That's the ticket!

Yeah man lol Only took 6 months but it's progress! No stopping anytime soon either.

Absolutely...Consistency is so vital to anything you are trying to build online. It's the great separator from success and failure.

Me too, I will promote Steem blockchain and tell as many people as I can.

Appreciate the comments sir. But yeah man, anywhere I can, everywhere I can....I'm letting the world know :)

Good on you man :-)

Good one, upvoted and retsteemed 😍

Thanks Paul, greatly appreciated sir! Always love the support!

I intend to start a steem post today. I hope to get some inspiration to start steeming every day and I will also shout it out to the world

No better time than today to start the journey :)

Technically, everybody is on the trending page if you scroll down far enough, lol, and yes, be a product of your product, I totally agree, and it is all about branding and in being authentic, contagious.

LOL Dang didn't know it went on forever. Well that crushed my dreams lol . Just joking. Thanks for the comments though and letting me know about that. Makes sense, but never thought of it.

Awesome hehe.

That's fantastic Jon! Great for you! You deserve to be on the trending page at least every once in a while for all the heart and the consistency you put in your content (so do others, of course, which is why I said "every once in a while")!

I think I've hit the Hot page... twice, so yep, consistency pays up! But only after it meets out of ordinary content and / or some amazing people, in my case.

Product of your own product... Yup, I've promoted Steemit several times out there, but it's probably time for a more consistent approach.

Thanks man, yeah it was a nice surprise! Oh I'm just getting started,,,My mission is to talk and promote STEEM everywhere I can!

Jon, You are doing what you know best to do.... you find out about something that you feel is awesome and shout from the mountain top... you end up bringing a few folks with you... but, you are sharing everywhere you know! If you make a mistake you admit it and keep moving forward. Staying the course staying your way to success. Trending as a sign of success... having upvotes is a sign of success... having comments is a sign of success! Keep it up... you know it is worth it in the long run!

Appreciate that sir. Yup, shout from the mountain top will be an understatement for me lol

your product in steem is very nice.but still....That was one of the most popular posts I've ever done... And for me, I believe I can ONLY talk about what I actually live and that's today's vlog topic.... You have to be a product of your product! If I'm going to rave and talk about how much I love the STEEM blockchain...I will tell the world. I will use the apps. I will promote this blockchain

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