Video on a Budget for Artists, Part 4: Case Study - "Jupiter's Hollow"

in #vlog6 years ago

Today's vlog shares a case study of a music video which I made for almost no budget. If I can do it, so can you! I showed you this music video and talked a little bit about the process on a music tuesday post a few weeks ago, but in this vlog I get into all the nitty gritty details. Enjoy!

Hello! I am the artist known as DEROSNEC, and welcome to my weekly vlog where I talk about making music, art, movies, and more.

Last week I talked about bartering and how you can use your time and skills to help get projects done when you don’t have much of a cash budget available. This week I want to share a few more ideas with you, through a case study of how I made the video for I AM MANDRAKE’s “Jupiter’s Hollow”.

Some Quick Background

During my time in Vancouver, I sang with quite a few bands in between working on my solo music. Most of them didn’t pan out, but there was one in which I came onto as a featured singer and it was one of the most productive and creatively fulfilling live projects I’ve gotten to be a part of.

I AM MANDRAKE was the project of Jerome Mandrake, a talented songwriter and performer, who teamed up with producer Sohan Rai to make upbeat and flashy electropop tunes. I worked with them for almost two years singing backups and featured parts, and played quite a few live shows around town - including two huge fully produced epic ones which were super fun.

Just after our first show, Jerome wrote a song called “Jupiter’s Hollow” and wanted to start putting together a new show around a space cruise theme. I really dug the song and, being the video artist I am convinced him to let me put together a music video.

The Set

We had just spent all our money on a big live production, so finances were tight. In Vancouver I didn’t have a garage studio like I do here in LA, and renting a space would’ve been prohibitively expensive. So I got creative and worked on figuring out how I could turn my living room into a spaceship with stuff that I happened to have lying around the house.

We had a pull up bar that Terrence had hanging from the edge of the living room which we sometimes used as a curtain hanger for when guests were staying over - so I took this black Model M band banner and hung it up there. Then I dug up these stick on LED lights that I had leftover from my Stalker video - they’re cheap, AAA battery powered, and can go just about anywhere, so I filled them up and strategically placed them on the curtain. I now had an interesting, modern and interactive backdrop.

Jerome Eyes

Makeup and Wardrobe

Both of us had a number of amazing makeup artist friends in town that we could offer to barter with, but we were particularly lucky at this time because his boyfriend happened to be an award winning makeup artist and offered to do our faces for free. And both of us being performers, we naturally have a lot of accessories and interesting clothing on hand for such an occasion! So really, this was the easiest part on this video.

Lights, Camera, Action!

This was also before I had access to my own lights - and renting gear was out of the question. I laugh about this the most when I think back to filming this video... but as a bicycle commuter I have some pretty bright LED headlamps which I bought off of eBay for like USD$30. So I took one of them and duct-taped it to a mic stand which I extended to its capacity. It worked great as a direct spotlight, and as a bonus its colour temperature matched the backdrop LEDs.

Because we only had about 10 feet to work with, I really couldn’t use my EX3 camera for filming. It was just too big. I actually considered using my iPhone to film, but ended up using my rebel so that I could switch lenses if I wanted to. In retrospect, I kinda wish I actually just used the iPhone to be honest! The quality ultimately would have been comparable, and I also would have had slo mo options. But I digress...

We spent a few hours getting made up and singing, and had a lot of fun filming that night. Before you knew it, we had a whole bunch of performance footage that cost us nothing. Even if I had bought all the gear fresh (with exception of the rebel) it would’ve cost under $100!

Stock Footage is Your Friend

We wanted this to just be a really fun and upbeat video, without any particular story - just a cheesy outer space vibe. So I went on to Videoblocks, a subscription based stock footage site, and had a look at everything that they had available. I already had a subscription for my freelance work, but honestly if you see yourself wanting to do a lot of low budget videos then a yearly subscription really pays for itself in a short amount of time and is not a big investment in the long run.

Stock Footage is Your Friend!

So, I combined all the stock footage with the performance, then glossed it up with my own animation and text effects. Voila, we had a really fun and flashy video which none of us directly paid out of pocket for and that suited the song perfectly.

Do you have any random things lying around the house that could be creatively repurposed to make an interesting setup for a video? What are you waiting for? Tell me how you’re no longer going to make financial excuses when it comes to making a video in the comments below!

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NOTE: These Thursday Vlog transcripts can also be found published on my website:


I loved seeing your video showing people that doing a video on budget is not that costly! Two of my friends and I did a small series called Papaism. It wasn't low budget, it was no budget, as we did not spend a cent for it, despite the fact we created 16 or 17 episodes, around 16 minutes in length each one. We used a small camera, some LED lights we had around the house and involved other friends to act in the show. No script, all prompts. Needless to add everyone had lots of fun. We took turns behind the camera and we did the editing using a Mac computer.

wow! That is a lot of work, very impressive! But it goes to show, if you want to get it done, you can! Thanks for sharing :D

You're awesome @derosnecand so very inspiring. Thanks for being so sincerely generous with your knowledge. <3


Thank you so much @zipporah! <3 To be inspiring is my life goal, haha

Thank you for sharing this @dorosnec! even though it sounds like some corners might have been cut, your creativity and the quality is top notch! and i can tell that a lot of work has been put into the video. Awesome work!

thank you! Sometimes we gotta work with what we got, and make the best of it!

Always great content. Thanks @derosnec!

Thanks for sticking with me @rebele93! :D

Since you can create music, have you thought about sharing it with @dsound ? :P

I have indeed! I unfortunately still have a lot of trouble uploading - I'm not sure what it is with my connections but it just gets stuck all the time. I've been keeping an eye on it though so as the app develops and becomes more stable then trust me I'll be all over it. haha!

mmm did you try on chrome?

yup - I tried chrome, firefox, safari - and on three different computers! I always get the same error having to do with IFPS :/

As always a very informative post. You're really inspiring me to get back into film-making. I just need a new lens for my Sony and a new tripod. Soon!

that really came out looking very cool!!!! hahahaa i love seeing the way it was put together! nice job :)

I'm the queen of throwing things together for costumes and parties (why do they always come out so awesome?!?!?! LOL) i think people are more creative than they give themselves credit for! Thanks for giving more of us the tools (and boost of confidence) to just TRY! ;)

Thanks so much for watching @dreemsteem!

haha that's awesome and is a talent in of itself - But we all knew how creative you were anyway, so it's not that surprising!! ;)

well that was the sweetest thing in the world! hahahahaha i come to your post and you slide in a sweet comment to me???? ;)

hmmmm i might have to drop by more often! tee hee hee

hahaha hey I call it when I see it! ;)

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