Crypto coach referral program

in #viva7 years ago (edited)

It takes time to learn a new tool !
You may think you do not have time to learn a new tool, but if this tool make you work much faster in the future, it is worth it to spend 10 hours to learn how to use it, isn’t it ?

VIVAcoomy is a completely new economic system, so it requires time to learn how it works.
You can learn it alone or you can ask a Crypto coach to help you to learn.

What a Crypto coach will teach you :

  • The advantages of the VIVAconomy
  • How to open an account on TradeQwik
  • How to buy cryptocurrencies with fiat ($, € or any other fiat currency )
  • How to transfer crypto from one site to another.
  • How to buy VIVA on TradeQwik
  • How to buy any other crypto from VIVAcoins
  • How to start a small business in VIVA.

How much does it cost to take the course ?
4 VIVAcoins. (about $40)
You will pay 2 VIVA to your coach and 2 VIVA to the coach of your coach.

Where can I find a Crypto coach ?
By replying to this post

Can I become a Crypto coach my self ?
Of course, after 3 months in the VIVAconomy and after paying 4 VIVAcoins to at least one other Crypto coach, you may become yourself a Crypto coach.

We want to develop our network and a good referral process is a good way to do it.


I don't know who came up with this but it looks as scammy as fuck. It is in no way good for Viva to look like it is associated with a pyramid scheme.

You pay four Viva. Two goes to the trainer and two to the trainers trainer?

Have you ever looked up the definition of MLM/Pyramid schemes?

Do you know what people will think when they read this? What I thought when I read this?

This is awful, you and whoever are involved are making Viva look scammy. This is NOT what Viva is about.

I am genuinely genuinely distressed by this. Charging people to learn the basics of Viva. For shame.

Additionally. We should be helping people for free to learn this kind of thing and give them theb push into the site. Irrevocable damage that's what this kind of thing does.

A $50 scam, this is scary !
To be accused to be a scamer on Steemit is like to be accused to be a sorcerer in the XV century. I am expecting to see the great inquisitor soon, I will not get burn alive, but only downvoted.

Let’s try a more democratic ways, if 4 Crown holders (out of 100 ) think that this proposal give a negative image to VIVA, I will erase it.
Some information about mlm.

Ah the old straw man.

I did not say you were a scammer.

I said it seems scammy and it looks bad. Both of which are very true.

Did you put it to the vote with the crownholders before you posted?

If not have you started organising this "vote"?

And hang on, did I downvote you? No but I could have. However I thought it best to speak first.

I said it seems scammy and it looks bad. Both of which are very true.

What is true for you may not be true for me

Did you put it to the vote with the crownholders before you posted?

I am entitle to start a business in VIVA without the agreement of anybody. As long as it is legal.
As I am living in France and 625 companies and individuals already have protected the VIVA brand, I may have to change the tittle of the business, could be Crypto Coach instead of VIVA coach

If not have you started organising this "vote"?

Crown holders have to vote for important decisions concerning the VIVAconomy, not individual business.

And hang on, did I downvote you? No but I could have. However I thought it best to speak first.

I agree, Steemit should be a space of freedom, it is wiser to discuss before to downvote others.

I am entitle to start a business in VIVA without the agreement of anybody. As long as it is legal.

And yet you initially suggested a vote, you seem to be backpedaling somewhat?

Crown holders have to vote for important decisions concerning the VIVAconomy, not individual business.

How peculiar, it was not I that suggested the vote it was you and yet now you are not so keen?

I suspect you are not so keen as you know exactly what everyone will think when they see your shame laid bare

Given your evasiveness discussing things with you is like nailing a piece of jelly to a wall.

Crypto Coach would have been fine. But no, you bring down the perception of Viva with your frankly shameful scheme. So shameful.

Disgraceful even.

If anyone wanted to know more on Viva or the VIVAcoin then if you had any care for Viva you could have pointed them toward the site or the chat on discord or the forum to learn for themselves.

But no, you saw a grasping opportunity.

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