I owe you what I'm carrying, please help my delivery.

in #vision5 years ago


Hello everyone, I am @adesojisouljay, I owe you, please receive what I have to deliver. I carry what you need. I'm am carrying that answer to your question. So are you also carrying what i need. I am loaded with packages that doesn't belong to me but belongs to you. Please help me deliver. My delivery depends on your attention. I need your attention and cooperation.

You need me! If you didn't need me, the creator would never have thought about me. I am here because you need me and you are here because I need you. We were all created to build up one another.

We all need each other for a balanced world. I can't displace you, you are important to me because of what you are loaded with.

I have seeds in me, I have cultivated the seeds into trees and I have bear some good fruits for your benefits. I'd have loved to be a minister to myself, eating my own fruits would have been good for me, but I have found one secret about trees and fruits;

'No matter how good the fruit is, trees never eat their own fruits'.

I need you because I can not eat my own fruit. I have bear the fruit for your sake, that I may be a blessing to you. Appreciate my sacrifice. I have had a lot of sleepless night for the past seven years that I may be a blessing to the world. I have sacrificed my pleasures that I may shed the nations.

I've had some terrible histories. I have been in the world, I've gotten some pleasures for my body and satisfied my fleshly desires. But I sacrificed everything after knowing why the creator made me. And for the sake of the people I was made for, I have decided to be responsible that I may not return to the creator a debtor. I want to leave this planet knowing that I released all that is on the inside. I want to leave this planet empty.

I could decide not to abide by the creator's will but I would only be violating the purpose for which I was created. 'But I am me, I am not trying to become like someone else.'

I am @adesojisouljay. Be my fan, I owe you, I am indebted to you! The creator sent me here to deliver something to you.

My constant desire is to mine my human for your sake. My desire is to pull out goodies from my inside and release unto you. You may not like my colour, I am not bothered! You may not like my stature, its not an issue for me! My voice may not be sweet to your earing, I am not worried! The most important thing to you is what I'm carrying on the inside. Take it, I owe you. I don't want to return with what belongs to you. Be my fan! Receive what I have for you. It was given to me from heaven to deliver to you. It's yours, receive it.

I have seen the cry of people, I have seen a lot of things that are wrong. I perceive a million question. I sense millions of problems. I have seen the need to rise. The essence of my being is awaken. The real me has emerged, for the sake of the million humans. I have build myself up for this cause. Each time I listen to myslef speak, I feel these revelations are too much to be contained in myslef, so there is necessity on me to release it to the world. For your sake the creator has made me valuable.

I have been through hard times so I know how people in their hard times are feeling now. But my assignment is to help you discover how to live a higher life. There is a way to live beyond crises, there is a way to live above situations. There is a way to overcome the most difficult of troubles. God is alive! We have the life of God!

I guarantee you that you may never have learnt about God the way God has revealed himself to me. And I'll be pouring out the mind of God concerning you to yourself that you may know how valuable you are to God in this world.

You are unique!

I have seen my value in life because I identified the problem which the creator sent me here to solve. Be my fan, receive what I have. Its not about a religion, trust me. The same creator is for all humans. So I am not talking about religion. 'Religion? far from me'. The creator is not even aware of most of the religions we created. So give me your attention and hear what I have to say.

I know steem is a wonderful world. I believe I have the supports of my steem brothers and sisters. So I am starting first on steem that I may begin to shed the nations right from the steem blockchain. Support my vision!

I'll be starting a YouTube Chanel soon, please subscribe as soon as I share the link. I'll appreciate you.

Anytime I'm chanced, I'll explain everything well in a video. Just anticipate and have me on your mind. I am loaded and the hour of delivery has come.

Thanks to you all, I am always @adesojisouljay.

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