VISIT INDONESIA.Aceh Wonderfull Indonesia, Sabang,Aceh

in #visiindonesia7 years ago

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Sabang is a city located in Pulau Weh and a gate in the western tip of Indonesia. Sabang has an area of ​​156.3 square kilometers with the highest peak 617 meters above sea level. Because it is located in Pulau Weh many who call the island as Pulau Weh Sabang. Weh Island itself is the main and largest island separated from the mainland by the Strait of Bengal Aceh.

In addition to directly borders with three countries, namely Malaysia, Thailand and India, Sabang is also a very unique area for Indonesia. That's because this is where you can find Kilometer Zero monument which was the forerunner of the term, "From Sabang to Merauke".

Sabang is currently transformed into Indonesian maritime destination that offers a paradise for divers. Here you can enjoy nature and dive underwater to find hundreds of species of fish and a wealth of natural reefs that are not planted or cultivated.

Bodies at Sabang is a meeting place of the Indian Ocean and the Strait of Malacca. Today was Sabang equipping tourist attraction to the organization of Sabang International Regatta.iboih-inn-icha21.jpg

Sabang charm offers elegance beautiful coastline, sea water and clean nan blue and green trees. However, not only the marine tourism can be found in Sabang. There are mountains, lakes, beaches, sea, and unspoiled forests and awake waiting for a visit. Not to mention your interaction with the local community will provide a memorable experience.

Sabang is a lovely little town with hilly soil structure so that local residents call the city of Sabang with two names are down and the city over the city.

Sabang consists of five large and small islands, namely Pulau Weh as the largest island, Pulau Rubiah, Klah Island, Seulako Island and Pulau Rondo. The population is about 26,000 inhabitants. Sabang is divided into two sub-districts and 72 villages. Includes the lowland topography, soil undulating, hilly and mountainous, and the rocks along the coast.

Sabang border to the east is the waterway, west by the Indonesian Ocean, north to the Strait of Malacca, and the south by the Indonesian Ocean.

In the kingdom of Aceh, Weh Island area itself is a place of expulsion or moved "geupeuweh" person who is liable to heavy penalties from the kingdom. Mentions geupeuweh then attached to the name of this island and coincided with the time then pelafalannya condense into Weh and interpreted as a separate island.1755287pantai-iboih780x390.jpg

The word "Sabang" comes from Aceh, namely, "every" meaning equal rights and status in every respect. This is associated with the presence of Sabang were once widely visited by outsiders to open the garden (Seuneubok) or other business.

The newcomers from different regions with different cultures, good attitudes, values, and customs. Gradually the case of assimilation where the differences vary eventually fades and they become the same position. Every term has long been attached to Pulau Weh penyebutannya then slowly transformed into "Sabang".

Sabang is the only area of ​​the Kingdom of Aceh can be fully controlled by the Dutch government. Since 1881, Sabang designated as a natural harbor called Kolen Station.

Dutch East Indies government then build various infrastructures. Especially after 1887 when Sabang Haven obtain authority to build support facilities for the port.

In 1895, Sabang become a free port area managed Vrij Haven Sabang Maatschaappij (Maatschaappij Zeehaven en Kolen Station). When the name of Sabang increasingly popular in the archipelago and internationally as a port of international trade circulation.

World War II had destroyed Sabang until 1942 occupied by Japan and make it as a maritime base of the Japanese Navy. Unfinished repairs resulting from war, physical destruction of the island is getting worse after Allied troops bombarded so make Sabang was closed. snorkeling sabang aceh planet 01.jpg

It was only after independence defined as the central Sabang Naval Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS) and all assets purchased Sabang Port Maatschaappij Government of Indonesia.

Township government in 1965 formed Sabang and pioneered efforts to reopen Sabang Free Port and Free Trade Zone. This effort was officially inaugurated in 2000.

Activity and Free Port of Sabang Free Trade began to pulsate with the entry of goods from abroad into Sabang Zone. However, in 2004 Sabang back stalled because the central government establish a military emergency status in Aceh.

Post a peace agreement between the Government of Indonesia and GAM on August 15, 2005, Sabang again bustling. Free Port of Sabang reopened in to speed economic development of Aceh through economic relations with foreign countries. In addition, various nautical destinations and cultural uniqueness of Aceh was again introduced so that tourists flock to enjoy the enchanting beauty of the westernmost island in Indonesia.

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