VISA CEO: We do not want to take Bitcoin straight

in #visa7 years ago

Visa ne budet napryamuyu prinimat' bitkoiny, po slovam general'nogo direktora kompanii Al'freda Kelli:
«My ne budem obrabatyvat' tranzaktsii, osnovannyye na kriptovalyute», - skazal on. «My budem obrabatyvat' tranzaktsii tol'ko na valyutnom rynke».

Kelli ukazal na osnovnuyu problemu kriptovalyut — na bol'shuyu volatil'nost', na to, kakoye psikhologicheskoye davleniye okazyvayet prosadka kursa koinov:
«Lyudi khotyat spravedlivogo obmena tsennost'yu, kogda oni chto-to pokupayut, poetomu, yesli eto stoit $100, ya khochu zaplatit' $100», - skazal on. Kelli dobavil, chto v nastoyashcheye vremya on rassmatrivayet bitkoyn kak spekulyativnyy tovar, a ne metod oplaty.

🦍V dannyy moment VISA sotrudnichayet s TenX, Xapo,, Bitwala, BitPay i CryptoPay, ADVCash, ePayments dlya obrabotki tranzaktsiy kriptovalyut. Odnako Visa nedavno prekratila svoye sotrudnichestvo s kompaniyey Wave Crest

V 2016 godu BitPay vypustila svoyu kriptovalyutnuyu debetovuyu kartu Visa, kotoraya pozvolila pol'zovatelyam sovershat' platezhi na lyubykh terminalakh Visa (POS) i snimat' nalichnyye v bankomatakh Visa v lyubom meste po vsey territorii Soyedinennykh Shtatov.
Visa will not directly accept bitcoins, according to the company's CEO, Alfred Kelly:
"We will not process transactions based on crypto currency," he said. "We will process transactions only in the foreign exchange market."

Kelly pointed to the main problem of crypto-currencies - to greater volatility, to what psychological pressure the drawdown of the coins' course is:
"People want a fair exchange of value when they buy something, so if it costs $ 100, I want to pay $ 100," he said. Kelly added that he currently considers bitcoin as a speculative commodity, not a method of payment.

🦍 VISA is currently cooperating with TenX, Xapo,, Bitwala, BitPay and CryptoPay, ADVCash, ePayments for processing transactions, crypto currency. However, Visa recently stopped its cooperation with Wave Crest

00af56e1-9ccb-45da-a6c6-59d002decddd.jpgIn 2016, BitPay released its Visa credit card, which allowed users to make payments on any Visa (POS) terminals and withdraw cash from Visa ATMs anywhere in the United States.

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