Is COVID-19 as dangerous as the media is reporting?

in #virus4 years ago (edited)

Is COVID-19 as dangerous as the media is reporting?

Have we ruined economies. Destroyed businesses. Wrecked Lives, and sacrificed the career prospects of the young, to save the old ?

And why did the whole world, with the exception of Sweden, follow like lemmings to Lockdown?

"Those Whom The Gods Would Destroy They First Make Mad"

This particular Coronavirus has been there all along - there are perhaps hundreds of them, maybe thousands, that have not been identified because they don’t infect humans to produce a disease, and don’t infect animals we interact with daily or don’t infect those animals badly enough that we do anything about it.

In a caged-chicken egg factory, lots of chickens die in a day, but unless there is a cluster of dozens dying close together, the carcasses are just disposed of and the cage is filled with a new chicken.

The difference between these coronaviruses and the Novel Coronavirus that is causing COVID-19 is that this one mutated to jump to humans from animals, and is causing a severe upper respiratory disease that has a noticeable death rate.

The death rate is still only 2% of those showing symptoms. This is NOT the death rate of those infected.

It is estimated that up to 70% of those infected will not show any symptoms at all.

And we literally do not know how many are infected, because there is no affordable test for it.

One guy in California that was not among those suspected of having it asked for the test, and was told for people just asking that the cost of the test is $60,000.

It’s very likely that once an affordable test to identify the virus is discovered, that death rate will drop back to exactly the same as seasonal flu.

What can you do? Well it’s pretty obvious that old people, people with compromised immune systems, and people at risk for infectious disease in general because of crowded living conditions are the vulnerable population.

There is some panic because some of the people who have died are young adults and presumably healthy.

There is the OMG the young doctor who blew the whistle on this disease in China DIIIIIIEEEDDDD!!!!111!11!11!1111

Bear in mind this brave young man was exhausted from tending his patients, stressed, depressed because the government was punishing him for whistleblowing, and at the physical breaking point.

So it’s fair to say that the other people who are at risk are people who are overstressed, not sleeping enough, not eating well, have no regular medical care and not taking care of themselves.

Other people who are probably at risk are those who are engaging in risky behaviour, like substance abuse. Anything that weakens your immune system puts you at risk for being infected and increases your chances of dying if you don’t get medical treatment.

The single thing about this disease that is worrying is that it apparently turns into a pneumonic form (like pneumonia) very quickly.

Eat properly. Get enough sleep. Do things to reduce stress (like watching comedy). Wash your hands with soap regularly. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid shaking hands and hugging strangers. If you get symptoms and they are bad, go to urgent care. If they start to feel like pneumonia go to the emergency room.

There’s some evidence that everything that has capsaicin, everything in the horseradish family, oregano and garlic have anti-viral properties. So while you’re watching comedy have yourself some nachos with garlic and oregano salsa.

(Capsaicin is the stuff in chili peppers that makes your mouth feel hot. But it's also got a medical purpose.)

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Amazing, after 7 months I still can reply! Nice to read from you again my young old friend of steemit. I hope you are well off in these troubled times.
Wise you are, indeed. Are you aware of the Great Reset or Agenda 2030?
It looks like a reasonable answer to our urgent world problems, however some people think it is more like a global coup d'etat. There is no rational reason for all that destroying of economies and human life.
Take care!

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