Update - New Virus Infection bigger than WANNA CRY - Virus

in #virus7 years ago

What is it?
This apparently has been underway since May 2nd, but has been found now thanks to the "wannacry" ransomware. This virus, rather than encrypting your files, turns your computer into a mining computer that mines Monero and sends the profit to an address.

So far, Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars of Monero have been mined. This is potentially why the price of Monero is down because more coins are being released into circulation. The good thing about this is the virus doesn't seem to be hurting those who have it, which is a silver-lining.

Am I safe?

Assuming you updated your computer to the latest updates you should be. If your computer is out of date I would immediately update it. Symptoms include slow computer performance and loss of access to shared resources. As it is silent, there is no easy way to tell if you have it.

If you believe you have this, I would recommend re-imaging your computer. If you don't know how to do that, my friend google might now .
Link: http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=How+to+Reimage+a+machine

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Guess Windows Defender sucks

In Short, yes. For free you get what you pay for.... There are free antivirus that are way better than that.

Like ..???

So lets all go and reformat our computers okay?

this is way better than having your computer taken ransom

Agreed. Even in the natural world the viruses that thrive are those that evolve to not kill their hosts ;)

This was one of my first thoughts when that ransomware came out. Why not set up altcoin mining on all the zombie boxes, on low settings. They'll almost never notice and you can pump out millions from victims, I'm sure...

I sure won't be opening anything to make me wanna cry...

I bought some external hard disk to back up my data

crashplan.com has good solution for cloud base offsite backup. I use their continues backup for business and my home computers. It is encrypted. I backup always local to external or network drive and to the cloud. In many cases when you backup to usb drive, second drive or network there is a chance so ransomware will encrypt also backup files. Last year two of our customers was hit by ransomware odin. In both cases we remove infected computers from network, remove damaged data (encrypted files) and restore data from cloud backup same day.

with reading all this it seams this is a massive bot net. i wonder if there is a way to find what pool there mining on or if they havee it set up to solo mine if possible.

can a virus scanner detect it?

If you wanna go that route I would first update your antivirus. If you wanna Run scans, good tools you can use are:
2)TDS Killer
3)RRKiller (use first before anti-virus
5)Combofix (This is a really strong tool and could damage your PC, but is thorough)
*Note that these may not catch it though if you do have it

Very nice story I hope to become a member of your steem community

Hey, that's like, no more illegal than a Federal Income Tax. What a genius business model

Said the thieving a**holes

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