in #virtalocalproject7 years ago


It is a project to enable members to set up offices (or home) called VirtaLocal Offices where anyone can exchange VirtacoinPlus (XVP) for other currencies and from other currencies to VirtacoinPlus. Every activity/transaction that goes on within the VirtaLocal Office will be paid for with VirtacoinPlus (XVP).

VirtaLocal is a good way of introducing our coin to more and more people face-to-face, even in more remote areas of the world (eg. Villages, Rural areas, Small town etc). These people can also learn about saving their VirtacoinPlus in an online wallet or mobile app. And the fact that there’s a physical Agent/Office where customers and merchants can walk in and exchange their coins, makes it a trustworthy enterprise, using the XVP local market interface in VirtaCoinWorld.

The Idea of VirtaLocal is to raise the awareness of VirtacoinPlus (XVP) to as many people as possible, hence to create more demand for VirtacoinPlus (XVP) in the Global Market. In the World of Trade “When demand is more than Supply, prices rise, and when Supply is more than demand, prices fall”. Obviously, this is what happens on a daily basis in any market. Let’s say we can convince about ten thousand (10,000) people to buy at least 500 XVP each, that will be five million coins (5,000,000) which will automatically create a market shortage of coins because the total coins circulating is about 8.8 million coins now.


The Virtalocal Project is mainly aimed at reaching the people (masses) face-to-face and educating them on what Virtacoinplus (XVP) is and how to use it as a means of exchange for goods and services anywhere in the world.
The project is to make it easy for anyone anywhere in the world to be able to accept Virtacoinplus (XVP) payment method as a medium of exchange for goods and services.
The project is to explain to the masses why they have to choose Virtacoinplus (XVP) above any other cryptocurrency.
The project is to make people in the rural/urban areas understand that not only the old fiat systems can be used for payments but there are other alternatives especially Virtacoinplus (XVP) cryptocurrency.
This project will enable member to create events like seminars/conferences [both physical (meeting face-to-face) and digital (eg. meeting on],run floats, street campaigns etc, just everything that can come in mind to advertise Virtacoinplus or VirtaCoinWorld.
One of the new introduction to the Virtalocal Agency is the ability to facilitate shipping of goods from one location to another location.
Since this is a new introduction, I will take some time to explain with an example how this wonderful service providing can help the masses and also Virtacoinplus (XVP). Let’s take it like this;

Agent 1 and Agent 2 will represent 2 different Virtalocal Agents. Mr. A and Mr. B represent different Individuals/Companies Location A and Location B represent 2 different locations on a geological map.

Mr. A and Agent 1 lives in location A Mr. B and Agent 2 lives in location B

So, Mr. A needs some supplies for his company and has to take a form of transportation (car/plane) to location B to purchase them. Mr. B fortunately owns a shop on VirtaCoinWorld ecommerce platform and has the supplies that Mr. A needs listed on there. Instead of Mr. A going through the hassle of traveling to Location B, he only contact Agent 1 from Location A and buy some XVP, then go online to the VirtacoinWorld ecommerce platform and search for the supplies, Mr. B’s shop will show up and he makes his purchases from there using the Virtalocal shipping option. Mr. B upon receiving the orders will take the goods to Agent 2 to be sent to Agent 1. Agent 2 will contact Agent 1 to know more details for the shipment then Agent 2 will send the goods to Agent 1. Upon receiving the goods Agent 1 will contact Mr. A and he will go the office of Agent 1 to collect the supplies. It is that simple, so hassle for ticketing and risk of traveling with cash. Imagine a place where addressing systems is not perfect, like small towns/villages/rural/urban places, the Agency can be of great help and at the same time helping the VirtacoinPlus (XVP) community grow bigger and accessible to all no matter where you find yourself to be.


VirtaCoinWorld is a multipurpose e-commerce marketplace owned and managed by the VirtacoinPlus Global Community. It is a platform where service providers and consumers are brought together for easy, fast, and secure transactions across various service platforms within

VirtacoinWorld ecommerce platform is a platform where anyone can buy physical products and that buyer will need the product(s) to be shipped to him/her. When this platform finally goes live (in some days to come), Virtacoinworld will make provision for sellers to choose how he/she will send his product to their buyer(s).

Virtalocal Agents is one of the options for shipment of products to a buyer. A buyer can buy product(s) from any seller and can choose to use Virtalocal Agents in that location to ship his product(s). That buyer can go to the Virtalocal Agents list and search for agent(s) within their location, pay the agent for the agent to handle pickup services or the buyer can ship to agent location and the buyer can pickup the products from that agent location.


For one to become a VirtaLocal Agent, they need to be “Verified”. The Agency need to know exactly who it is dealing with and who we can trust as a part of as. This is also done to prevent our members from dealing with the wrong people.

To be a VirtaLocal Agent, you need to first register an account on the Agency portal ( • Register an account at • Log into the account and locate “Verify Yourself to be an Agent Here”. It is a green rectangular box located at the top right of the dashboard. • Click the box and it will take you to a place where you have to submit some documents to become verified.


The lists of documents that can be submitted are listed on that page. The list contains Government Issue ID Cards and one Guarantor. We require any one of the Government ID cards and a document from a Guarantor. The Guarantor should be someone who is well known by a lot of people and s/he much knows you personally because we need to call to confirm whether s/he knows you, or you can use a Guarantor like an already verified agent who can confirm that s/he knows you personally. If you want to be “Verified” and still can’t find a Guarantor, just send an email to [email protected] and we will try to find a way to help.


*NO. *

To become a shipping agent that can help in the facilitation of goods from one location to the other, you will need to make a deposit of an amount of XVP with the Agency. That serves as our guarantee/collateral that you are not going to take someone’s goods away and incase an Agent doesn’t ship a member’s goods, you agreed that VirtaLocal Agency has the right to withhold your XVP fund till problem is resolved or will be converted to pay for the goods that was not send. Customer protection is our hallmark.


That depends on the current price of XVP on the global market, currently we are going to accept three thousand (3000) XVP as our collateral. This XVP totally belongs to the agent but will be in our custody. The amount of XVP will be adjusting down as the value of XVP appreciate on the market. This adjustment review will be done within 2 months intervals subject to the value of XVP. We believe that XVP is going to be more stable than many of the cryptocurrency on the market because it’s price will be based on better foundation (userbase, services, shopping, payment method for goods all around the globe, and many more) so whiles the price of XVP go up, part of the Agent’s XVP will be returned back to the Agent so we don’t have to keep too much of our Agent’s assert.



At any time, any day that an Agent want to opt out of shipping, s/he will receive back the remaining balance of the deposit which was made to us after we check to see if s/he is clean from anyone’s goods. More explanation will be given on the series of webinars that we will be hosting to educate our members on VirtaCoinWorld.

VirtaLocal agents are advice to use the XVP Local Market platform for all their transactions and members are advice to also make sure they are buying from an agent who is using the XVP Local Market platform to protect themselves using the escrow system. VirtaLocal Agency will not be responsible if an Agent is doing otherwise.

Visit our forums to get more updates on VirtacoinPlus, VirtaLocal Agency and the VirtaCoinWorld. We will be updating our forums on the series of webinar that is meant to educate members on the VirtaCoinWorld Project that is going to take over the global market like a storm. source

Prince (VirtaLocal)

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