Submit your Videos to Viral Chop - Instant Submission

in #viral6 years ago

Viral Chop is a video content sharing website that allows users to submit their YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook videos instantly with no fees, sign up and submissions are processed instantly.


Users can submit their videos to Viral Chop and add an alternative title, unique tags and a link to their website. For the best result users can add a unique title that includes 5 to 10 keywords that best describe the content of the video.


The video submitted will automatically have the open graph information added as well as a play button. So when users share the Viral Chop submission on social networks it will display a large featured image and it will also be converted to a Facebook instant article.


Another great advantage for submitting a video to Viral Chop is that is will have the right metadata to show up in the Google video carousel, it will sometimes display a video thumbnail in the search results and the video submission will be converted to Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for fast loading and higher rankings in the mobile search results.


The primary focus of Viral Chop is to encourage video to become Viral. This is achieved by giving users 3 options to share the video.

  1. A share toolbar below the video.
  2. A fixed sharing toolbar that scrolls with the page.
  3. A share video popup window.


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