Thoughts on undue moral justification for violence

The year was 2017 and everyone was a violent authoritarian. Those on the made up group called "the left" were violent authoritarian. Those on the made up group called "the right" were violent authoritarian. Those that found themselves in-between or around these groups were also violent authoritarian.

The fascist would resort to violence as opposed to debating their ideas. The anti-fascists would also resort to violence as opposed to debating their ideas.
The dualistic division mindset spread to all dualistic based mindsets.
Capitalists, socialists, communists, and other identifying persons all became violent authoritarians. There would be no debate and no discussion. The violent authoritarian with the dualistic divisive mindset would simply label the person with differing views to them as being part of the out-group/perceived evil ideology, and if possible attach negative attributes like racist, sexist, stupid, or other to the outgroup or person belonging to it.

Instead of educating and debating with each other, we would grow to fear and hate each other, blinded by our matrix construct view of the world. People became symptoms of our own sickness, obsessed with labels and identity, full of hatred from the sickening things we do to each other; and through our internal thought processes we give ourselves permission to continue hurting each other, because "my label/identity is innocent" but really we are nazis blindly following our own orders. We pretend it is "us versus them", but it is "us versus us".

The hatred gives rise to the Hitler in our hearts, and from the moral justification the corpses grow.


I like the monistic message. We are all one, yet we are all individual. It is the paradoxical state of existence that brings with it a mystery.

The modern rational mind, divorced from ancient spiritual meaning, doesn't want to deal with mystery. It is either evident or it is nothing. No room for mystery.

I found mystery to be my path to tread. A truth is revealed in paradox. Not all truth, but an unfolding truth that leads me consistently forward into greater understanding. Paradox points to the pathway towards the merging of the dualistic with the monistic.

We are one, but we are individual. The paradox of our time. How do we reconcile it?

It has something to do with certainty. When the mind becomes possessed of the notion that it is certain of all things or even uncertain about all things, it becomes a dangerous thing. Certainty is attached to the idea of authority too. How can our finite being come to know all that we know? We attribute authority to those who have come before us or who lead us now. That I think is the second great conundrum. Who has authority? Who are we giving authority too?

I've explored this and come to my own conclusions. I hope others will do the same. :-)

I think the problem is we base our conclusions on our perceptions. We perceive as humans, and as such have a tendency to see things in the dualistic mindset like how we consider night and day. We consider night and day different, but no matter what time of the day it is there are stars above us. It is merely a matter of perception of whether we can physically see them or not.

Like zombies, we are the mindless dead seeking to devour the brains of the living.

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