Test Stream - Bossing the new robot around to find out where it draws the line in the sand... (With replay)

in #vimmtv5 years ago (edited)

Category: creative
Sub-category: FIGHT THE ROBOT!!! FIGHT IT!!

Replay is now a thing, as unimpressive as it is!

This was just extremely complicated, very short joyride with the new equipment to see what don't werk. I found out that there's a lot that needs fixing up.

This post was generated from a live stream on Vimm.tv

Aw, missed you.

Congrats on the new system, very exciting and adventurous.

These bitchaz have know IDEA what's about to hit them!

I got to say I love the dif tunes and it helps me work lol. IOW these are fun!!

I missed it live.. you posting it somewhere else?

You again? You don't quit easy, do you?

lulz.. okay...... quit what exactly? Peace.

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