Weekly update stream recap: let’s talk about a subscriber featuresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #vimm6 years ago (edited)


Hey everyone, as I promised Sunday here is a small summary of my weekly update stream.

This week topic was mostly something I’ve been wanting to talk about for quite a while: the subscriber feature. Channels that have subscriber unlocked will have some perks in comparison to other channels.

The 3 things we’re thinking about giving to users are:

Verified badge
Locked emoticons
Lowered beneficiary percentage taken

Verified badge

A first possible perk from having the subscriber feature could be having a “verified” account. Once you would be eligible and you claim the feature you would be getting a badge. The badge will be shown next to your name both in your channel as underneath your thumbnails. The badge has no other meaning than giving viewers and visitors the confirmation that your channel is more likely of high quality as you were able to work your way to the verified feature.

Locked emoticons

This is probably the most fun one for your visitors, as it gives the streamer the possibility to reward loyal viewers.

With locked emoticons your viewers will be able to unlock custom emoticons that they can only get from your channel. Every streamer that has the subscriber feature will be able to upload 5 emoticons, once approved your viewers will be able to unlock them through upvoting or “subscriber donations”.

Whenever they choose to upvote your channel or donate through subscribing the amount they gifted for is converted in dollar and saved. If the total amount they rewarded you for has reached the amount necessary to unlock the next emoticon they will unlock that emoticon for 30 days.

Total rewarded value has reached:

  • 0.5 dollar - unlock the first emoticon for 30 days
  • 1 dollar - unlock the second emoticon for 30 days and refresh the previous unlocked for emoticons for 30 days
  • 2 dollar - unlock the third emoticon for 30 days and refresh the previous unlocked for emoticons for 30 days
  • 3.5 dollar - unlock the fourth emoticon for 30 days and refresh the previous unlocked for emoticons for 30 days
  • 5 dollar - unlock the fifth emoticon for 30 days and refresh the previous unlocked for emoticons for 30 days

Once the unlocked emoticon is expired the difference between the prize of the last unlocked emoticon and your total reward value will be calculated so you don’t start from 0.

A viewer unlocked the first emoticon for 0.5 dollar but rewarded the streamer for a total of 0.8 dollar. After 30 days when the emoticon is expired the viewer will start with 0.3 dollar and only has to contribute for 0.2 dollar to unlock the first emoticon again.

Unlocked emoticons will be usable on other channels as well. Thus viewers can show off their exclusife emoticons on other channels (can someone get Forsen to vimm please...)

Lowered beneficiary percentage taken

Last, but certainly not least will be the beneficiary percentage taken. Streamers will have to work their way to getting the subscriber feature and naturally be quite involved into Vimm.

To show our appreciation to the more devoted streamers we will lower the beneficiary reward that Vimm takes from 12% to 9%.

How to unlock the feature

Unlocking the feature has to be something that isn’t easy to feel rewarding. The easier it is to unlock the verified badge the less value it will hold and the less impressed people will be by the badge.

To unlock the verified status you will need to have for 4 weeks in a row, 8 unique chatters 3 times a week in a time period of 2 hours or less. So many numbers in one sentence… bear with me: if you stream for 3 hours on Monday and in the last 2 hours of your stream you had 10 unique chatters that will count as one valid “check” for that week and you need 2 more that week. You can choose to spread them over several days or hardcore it in one six hour stream…

Any thoughts and suggestions are appreciated as always guys. Do you think subscribers should get more than unlocked emoticons, a special subscriber icon in front of their name in chat for example or something completely else?


I'm not keen on the term "Verified" to signify that someone is engaging. Verified really means you (vimm.tv in this case) thinks the "verified" account is who it claims to be. The term carries excess baggage from Twitter messing it up so much. I think finding another term would be better.

Hmm, like.. assured, committed, devoted, engrossed, guaranteed, immersed, pledged, "seal of Vimm"... or or something.

Thanks for your feedback @harvhat. I see what you mean and we could easily combine it with a verification process, that way viewers are more assured that the streamer is who (s)he claims to be.

If we want to ommit the whole verification process I think "devoted" is a cool term though kinda wraps what it is all about.

I like this one! Though I am amenable to whatever, just not the term 'verify' though of course I could live with that too.

Fair point! We'll make sure to find a name for it that wont cause any confusion.

Thank you for the constructive feedback.

I'm in agreement. Verified badges are meant for those that are exactly who they say they are. Perhaps we could find something else for what you're describing?

I love the Idea of the "VERIFIED" Button....

also the idea of the Emoticons could get a crazy thing ;)

Glad to hear you're excited about this as much as we are @bembelmaniac

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