100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 5 - The View From My Window Photography Challenge

in #viewfrommywindow4 years ago

I'm almost going to be 1 month in quarantine, locked in my house. On Monday, March 16, a quarantine began to apply in Argentina that, in principle, affected the high-risk population (that is, people over 65 years of age, chronically ill, people with respiratory diseases and pregnant women).

That day my boss informs me that from the next day I could not go to work in the office and had to do it from home since I am asthmatic and belong to the population at risk. At first I believed that this measure would be temporary and I would only be at home, at most, 2 weeks. But no, things got complicated and more and more cases of people infected with COVID-19 began to appear in the country and the government was forced to tighten the measures that it had taken until now to try to slow down this invisible enemy.

Now I can only see the outside world through these windows. My wife is the one who goes out to shop, always taking all preventive and cleaning measures. I see how the city emptied itself from one moment to the next, now you can hear the singing of the birds more clearly since without the noise of the passing traffic they manifest themselves even more.

I hope this nightmare passes soon and we can get out again. I hope and we have learned the lesson and look in a different way at life and the little things that we go unnoticed on a daily basis due to the routine that overwhelms us.

Now we are locked in our cages (homes) having the consolation of being able to look through the windows at what until recently was our habitat. There are animals that cannot afford that.


The pictures are mine and they were taken in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.



Thank you for taking part in the View From My Window Photography Challenge.

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