Worthy News about Vietnam at Home and Abroad 07-06-18

in #vietnam6 years ago (edited)


Welcome to the Vietnam Daily News Curator. Below you will find worthy news about Vietnam and Vietnamese Communities domestically and internationally. The goal is to spotlight the best of news about the Vietnamese community on Steemit.

The News:

Vietnam activists flock to ‘safe’ social media after cyber crackdown
Source: Stars Online
Link: https://www.thestar.com.my/tech/tech-news/2018/07/06/vietnam-activists-flock-to-safe-social-media-after-cyber-crackdown/
Summary: Thousands of Vietnamese social media users are flocking to self-professed free speech platform to avoid tough Internet controls in a new cybersecurity law. Over 100K new active users have registered with Minds.com, fearing that Facebook could be complying with the new rules.

7-Eleven Arrives in Vietnam Aiming for 100 Stores in Three Years
Source: Bloomberg
Link: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-05/vietnam-s-rock-star-economy-hits-a-milestone-7-eleven-arrives
Summary: Seven-Eleven, a Japanese-owned chain, opened its first outlet in Vietnam and plan to open 100 within the next three years.

The prehistoric peopling of Southeast Asia
Source: Science Magazine
Link: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/361/6397/88.full
Summary: The human occupation history of Southeast Asia (SEA) remains heavily debated. Using DNA testing, the authors found that hunter-gatherers and East Asian farmers contributed to Southeast Asian diversity, including Vietnam, with activities going back at least 4,000 years.

Stock markets from Vietnam to Tokyo hit by trade war contagion
Source: The Business Times
Link: https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/stocks/stock-markets-from-vietnam-to-tokyo-hit-by-trade-war-contagion
Summary: The Vietnamese Stock Market has been one of the biggest casualties ahead of American tariffs on US$34 billion of Chinese exports and retaliatory measures set to begin Friday.

4 megatrends affect Vietnam: WB official
Source: Xin Hua
Link: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-07/06/c_137304333.htm
Summary: Four megatrends affect Vietnam's sustainable and competitive development: shifting trade patterns, rise of the knowledge economy, climate change, and an aging population.

MFAT refuses to front up about Vietnam aid
Source: RNZ
Link: https://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/2018652561/mfat-refuses-to-front-up-about-vietnam-aid
Summary: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) of New Zealand is refusing to be interviewed about a $2.8 million aid project it funds in Vietnam. The project started in April 2015 and due to run until September 2020, targeting ethnic minority households in Huong Hoa in the Quang Tri province, providing basic staples to farmers and providing them with training to support sustainable, organic ways to farm.

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  • Leave a comment about one of the articles that you read and you will have a chance to earn 1 Steem.

  • I will pick up to 5 posts per day which have good content as WINNERS (I am looking for thoughtful analyses of an article and what your opinion of the piece).

  • I will post to your wallet with "Vietnam Daily News Contributor" if you're picked.

  • Be sure to follow me for daily updates.

  • Winners will be announced daily.

Alternatively, you can also share by posting a link of a newsworthy article that I may have missed coming from that day. If I like it, I'll upvote your post.

Yesterday's contributors and winners


Stay tuned!

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First time, I received the reward,
Probably the judge was biased or no one participated. LOL
Thanks very much @nuoctuong
Tomorrow I will read this blog!

Probably the judge was biased or no one participated. LOL

A promise is a promise, right?

YES! You are great! :)

xin chào người bạn của tôi .đây là lần đầu tiên tôi tham gia cuộc thi của bạn .Tôi đã đọc bài báo về việc MFAT từ chối hỗ trợ cho người dân vùng núi . Thực sự đó là 1 điều đáng buồn. Họ đã từ chối chỉ vì thấy những người nông dân không đạt được sản lượng như họ mong muốn. Tôi nghĩ rằng họ nên có thêm thời gian chờ đợi,và suy nghĩ lại về những quyết định của mình.

There are two more years to go in the project. They're just not reporting on the results.

  • Minds

Over 100K new active users have registered with Minds.com

That's a huge number, and I don't understand why people choose Minds instead of a free platform such as Steemit.

  • 7-11 It's expected a few years back. Hope they do provide yummy foods tho.

  • The 4 megatrends, I only saw the downsides, especially the climate change, the weather is getting hotter, there was even snow. It seems unpredictable. The flood earlier in the north was one of the worst examples that might happen more frequently in the future.

Steemit is not really free. Every time you set up an account, someone has to prepay the fees for you. Steemit is more of a blogging site than a social medial site like Facebook. I think it needs some of the social media features like direct, private messaging. Right now, there is not that feature. We end up having to go off to another platform such as discord to do that.

I didn't know about the 7-11. 7-11s are dying the USA. At least I don't see them around where I live as much anymore. There are more agile and better competitors who provide better services and food.

What about "rise of the knowledge economy"? That's good for the lazy folks like us who sit in front of computers and get paid for doing?

So something seems to be a leftover in the US would be wow in the S xD. Currently, there are already way too many "7-11s" in VN.

And yes, Steem paid 0.001Steem to create my account (I went for a free option)

I've been following closely with the migrant from facebook to Minds in the Vietnamese community. There are a couple of things I would like to discuss.

  1. Minds is not decentralized like Steemit, it does not build on a blockchain however Minds reward its users by token using ERC20 blockchain technology.
    Minds have an easy interface and somewhat similar to Facebook, this means a lot to the vast majority who are not familiar with geek stuff.

  2. According to the article more than 100 000 Vietnamese accounts had been created in the last few days. Which is about 10% population of Minds, great number nonetheless. From my own research and understanding, those people are moving away like a herd from the censorship in facebook and Vietnamese goverment. They are looking for a platform that encourages freedom of speech.

  3. I don't think Minds platform is any better than Steemit or the Vietnamese users moving to Minds for the reward that Minds offering.

Thank you @nuoctuong for offering this contest to the community.

Thanks @carlpei. This is the best and most thorough response that I have received thus far. Hopefully, we can continue to build engagement. As always, thanks for the support.

P.S. - I would be honored if you design my banner to use.

Thank you for the prize tho. If you need a banner, hit me up on Discord lets see what we can do. @nuoctuong

Minds is not better than Steemit, it’s different. There are things you cannot do on Steemit that you can do platforms such as Facebook or Minds.

tôi đã đọc bài viết về MFAT và dự án hỗ trợ cho người dân EMEE ở Hương Hòa, Quảng trị. MFAT đã thực hiện dự án này để góp phần tăng cường mối quan hệ với Việt Nam và mục tiêu của dự án là cải thiện đời sống kinh tế của các hộ gia đình dân tộc thiểu số nghèo với trẻ em. nhưng sau 3 năm thực hiện thì hơn 1/3 trong số các hộ gia đình trồng cà phê trong dự án đã không thấy tăng sản lượng hoặc doanh thu thì MFAT đã không tiếp tục dự án nhưng trong kế hoặch dự án đến năm 2020. đó là 1 quyết định quá nhanh của MFAT, họ nên tiếp tục dự án trong 2 năm tới và tìm ra phương án giúp dự án EMEE thành công chứ không nên đưa ra quyết định hủy bỏ dự án

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