The weather is starting to turn in Da Nang... finally

in #vietnam10 months ago

This happens every year yet every year I act all surprised when the summer is unbelievably hot. I am not the kind of guy that normally even knows what day it is or sometimes even what month it is. My life just doesn't operate like that and I guess I am fortunate that I fell ass-backwards into the type of life that affords me this level of freedom.

While in the west September is normally just as hot as the other months in the middle of the year, here in Vietnam, this is where we start to notice a real turn in the weather so that the outside areas are actually usable again.

a big part of the reason why it is like this isn't exactly super desirable though.


During this time of year we get a lot more cloud cover than in June/July/August and this is because we are entering rainy season. For many, especially people that have to get around on motorbike (I don't), rainy season is really annoying because at any given time you could end up getting soaked to the bone and be a real mess when you arrive where you are going. Some people that I know keep a dry bag or sealed plastic bag under the seat of their motorbike at all times that has a change of clothes in it specifically because of this.

For me, I don't even own a vehicle ever since my bicycle was stolen so this is not a factor for me. The opportunity for me to get caught out in the rain is pretty slim and even if I do I am probably just walking the dog. If we get rained on it just means that this day is also going to be an unscheduled bath day, which always makes Nadi happy.


I'm kidding about her being happy about a bath. She hates them and will cower if the word "bath" is simply said out loud by anyone.

Getting back to the point: I spend a lot of time in the summer complaining about how it is impossible to do anything outdoors because I am correct. You cannot do anything outside. Simply walking to the corner store and back results in most people needing a shower and if you are the exercising type, you can all but forget about that unless you don't mind sweating buckets. I try to stay in shape with some jogging along the beach here and there but if I do this I am quickly dripping and by the time I get home it looks like I jumped in the ocean but alas, I did not.

As September starts to turn into October we experience a slight, but very noticeable change in temperature. By November this change is extremely noticeable, by December it starts to get mildly cold to the point where I can wear jeans without regretting it as soon as I get in the hallway. By January people are wearing jackets.

I hadn't expected this when I moved here because we are actually quite close to the equator and are at sea level, so I just expected it was going to be super hot here year round. What a relief it is that this is not the case!

Nowadays when people invite me to do things outdoors I can actually say yes without bringing a sweat towel with me. I also went on a walk / jog on the beach yesterday and for the first time in months it was actually bearable.

Living in Vietnam for a Nordic person like me can be painful and even a bit embarrassing if you wear the wrong sort of clothes because I will be sweating profusely almost anywhere I go. We are now entering the time of year where I can relax a little bit and wear some of my heavier clothes without fear.

Bring on the winter!

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