Nobody at the shopping malls in Vietnam

in #vietnam3 years ago

I can't comment for the entire country but the one here in the city that I live in, population over 1 million, one would presume that there would be some people in the malls seeing as how it is a very popular part of Vietnamese society.

Today we went there just to go get normal-human-sized underwear from H&M and we found a place that had almost no one in it.


I realize that shopping malls are kind of a thing of the past in the west, but over here they are still the epicenter of commerce. I just don't think that is the case anymore. The staff in this mall easily outnumbered the customers 2 to 1 and this is probably a good thing if there was some sort of riot.


Going into H&M was a simple process although they did insist that we get something sprayed on our hands and wear masks, but the rest of the mall was filled with almost no one.

I don't know what it costs to temperature control a building if this magnitude but I am quite certain it is more than zero and that is probably about the amount of money they are bringing in.


While I am happy that this is no a Christmas consumerism society, this was just a ghost town and I can't but help feel bad for the people that are involved in working here. It was almost as though they didn't know what to do.

I fear for the future economy of Vietnam and Da Nang in particular. When what was once the most popular place to see and be seen no longer has any people in it, I fear for the worst for the rest of the city.

We spent about $20 each while we were there and well, this is not near enough to keep this sort of thing going. I believe that these shops and their associated staff members will start to dry up soon and it will become vacant just like the rest of the city.


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