More shite vandalism and garbage in Da Nang

in #vietnamlast year

I frequently say that this could be a truly epic city if the people just gave more of a crap than they do about their surroundings. The disrespect people have for public places is just incredible, and it makes me angry every time I try to walk around.

I'm not trying to put myself on a pedestal and say that i am better than everyone else or anything like that. I certainly could do more to help the world be a better place but when I see this on a daily basis it just makes me angry.


This area is just a few blocks away from my house and it is the garbage dump area for a series of buildings that are government housing. I don't mean housing for poor people who cannot afford their own housing, I mean housing that is provided to government employees, some of which I would imagine work in sanitation. Is it really so difficult to care just a little bit more than this?

This area is perpetually covered in garbage even when the bins themselves are not full. People are simply too lazy to even bother to walk that few additional meters to put the garbage in the bins that are provided. The entire area stinks of trash and filth and this is just a few blocks from the ocean, so guess where a lot of the lighter trash is going to end up?


This area is literally within sight of the beach. During Covid times the building project in the backgroung was abandoned and has remained in a state of being half-built for years now, while it has been cleaned up a bit, there is still a ton of construction debris that has just been left behind. No one is coming to clean this up and it has been in a varying state of scum the entire time I have lived here. This is within sight of several 4-star hotels and of course the main beach area that some people think is the best beach in all of Vietnam.


The horrible vandalism doesn't help matters at all either. I think that if this is the best you can do as far as tagging is concerned, you and your spray bottles should just stay at home. The overgrown and abandoned building that almost certainly will be torn down to make way for another condo project would be much better off without your talentless shite covering it.

I have mentioned in the past that the government put recycling bins up all around the tourist areas and they were almost immediately misused, ignored, or in some particularly funny situations, stolen and probably sold as scrap metal.

I consider Vietnam to be a safe and nice place, and I still enjoy living in Da Nang. However, you don't have to get very far from your apartment before you are going to be surrounded by garbage, construction, and horrible talentless vandalism.


The idea that this city, and I presume a lot of the rest of the country and especially tourist areas, are pristine, well looked after, and clean is a myth that is only presented for tourism purposes. Sadly, a vast majority of this town and again, I presume well beyond this town, is that the people just don't really care about what isn't on their own property very much.

I read not long ago that Vietnam is one of the largest contributors to pollution, especially plastic waste, out of all the countries in the world. You don't have to wander very far from wherever you live to find out that this is exactly true.

I hate to talk trash about this country, but honestly, I can't really think of any way that it could possibly be worse than this. There is garbage literally everywhere and that is in a tourist area that is likely kept cleaner in order to keep people believing that this place is worth visiting. I can't even imagine how dirty non tourist areas in this country must be.

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