Disinfecting the entire city of Da Nang

in #vietnam4 years ago

I have no idea if any of this actually works but then again, I am not a scientist. It is hard to argue with the tactics that Vietnam has employed in containing the Covid virus, that is, if you believe that stats that they are releasing to the public.

As someone that actually lives here I can attest to the fact that they are doing a lot to keep the virus from spreading and for the most part the public is going along with it. However, even though this is a communist country that doesn't mean the people are going to stand for a prolonged lockdown because the people in this country need to to to work and make money just like anywhere else in the world and perhaps that is why the government is going to such extreme ends to take care of the problem as quickly as possible.


I do not know what they are spraying but I presume it is some sort of disinfectant such as a bleach mixture and when they go through with this they are marking off entire roads and then making announcements to all inhabitants to close their windows and stay indoors during the process. Then they drive down the road and spray whatever this is everywhere.


I do not know if Covid can actually fly around or live on cars and leaves and what not but I presume the scientific community of Vietnam believes that it can and they are leaving no stone unturned as they drive around the entire city, street by street, and disinfect basically everything.


I have been told that when they are able to identify the house of someone that has been infected they will quarantine everyone in it at a separate location, then enter the house and disinfect everything contained inside the house as well. Like I said, they are being very thorough.


At the same time they are going around the entire city and testing all of the 1.1 million residents and quarantining anyone who tests positive as well as contact tracing everywhere that said individual has traveled in the past however-long-they-can-remember.

Will any of this work? I think it is hard to say seeing as how no one in the world seems to really understand this virus and no one's methods have been proving to be terribly effective.

Personally, I like the way that Sweden approached it, but I think that most people who have been inconvenienced by this virus (which i think is basically everyone) will argue that their opinion of Sweden's approach is largely based on the fact that they miss having freedom to do stuff.

I have mixed feelings about Vietnam all but eliminating any sort of exposure to the virus because the world has been pretty unsuccessful in eliminating global viruses such as the flu in the past. It seems to me that even if they are successful, that this will simply mean that this country can NEVER let anyone in or out without very stringent testing and quarantine - especially when you consider that there is a lot of criticism of how accurate the tests are in the first place.

I suppose doing too much is better than doing too little in this situation.. and I was always going to comply anyway since I am a guest in this country.


well i don't think we can argue with their tactics, they have done a pretty good job and i don't think that Vietnam is in an economic situation to battle this thing if it got full-blown but then again i don't even know if full-blown is even a real thing. The media is so dishonest about all of this i don't think we will ever know how dangerous it really is.

I'm about to go off on a rant so I'll just say great job Vietnam, you'll get it back to normal before you know it. We have "half normal" here in Thailand now but we were seriously locked down like crazy for a long time. I hope we don't ever go back to that again.

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