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RE: Meme the News 4/27/18 - a peek into JFK files

in #vietmeme6 years ago (edited)

Specifically referring to your title, did you see Trump intervened to HALT the release of the few remaining JFK archives that may not have been fully redacted due to "national security concerns?"

Funny thing is, I blogged here, jubilantly, about their release Tuesday, then had to come back and re-blog about the birther-in-chief (who should be with we of the MAGA crowd on this!!!) jumping in to quash the release of the truth on Thursday.

I am SOOOO disappointed!

How can there be any "national security" at all if our government can murder a duly-elected sitting President, cover it up for 55 years, and then admit they are still going to keep covering it up after more than half a century has gone by??

They should have called it "deep state security."

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