Meme the News- 5/21/18 Shit's going down....

in #vietmeme6 years ago

Ok... so. it's meme the news time. Some shit is poppin' in here. I suggest you read it, relax, re-read, go for a walk, sit under a tree and contemplate these memes. Let your body relax into the meme. Feel the meme enter you gently. let it massage your brain. Come back for more tomorrow. Just be careful with these. Meme the News may cause cognitive dissonance, nipple distortion, and rectal enlightenment.

Brennan vs Trump

Obama spied on Trump

Just guessing he's corrupt here

that's the knights of Malta...

Queen isn't happy

Timelines and stories don't add up here

obviously the gun control people pop up here

is he a nazi or a communist... kinda hard to know... either way he's s statist!

incitement isn't protected free speech.

See the woman on the table? Part of you has to know this shit is weird

I don't like where this is going

the state demands your obediance

Vaccines aren't even tested... BURN HIM ALIVE!!!

Mom, where does cocaine come from?

Hand Gestures


They are human and don't deserve death by israeli snipers

Can't confirm this

Podesta and the Chinese

AP knows what they are doing. They just get busted.

Iran deal

Shooters are controlled

can you guess?

I'm down for the royal beheading tho

Public schools are a weapon of mass destruction

THey are literally coming for your guns

know the difference. What we have now sucks

Free thinking and free people

I'd add peaceful to that

But I'm not a pacisfist


Don't get mixed up with the state

I support our troops. I support ending the war. I support people world over that are the victims of extreme US violence

Whatever... Just get high

Yep... Satantic pentagram and freemason icon

Yeah, ya'll are fucked



Ah. Nice info on Knights of Malta & the hidden hand signs. New knowledge for me. Thank you for that. :)

deep ass news segment. lets see if this leads to ww3. i doubt the nuclear powers will outright fight each otheer

Obama and Kerry sacrificed the pursuing of Hezbollah's global drug trafficking ring through central America and into the USA.

Hezbollah funds terror by selling drugs (cocaine) in the USA and laundering money through used cars sent from the USA to Africa. Iran told Obama that there would be no Iran deal if the DEA didn't back off the drug dealers. John Brennan (politico article) stood up for Hezbollah because he says they are a reformed political party in Lebanon who helps the poor. Terrorists and drug dealers who claim to help the poor - sounds a lot like Democrats.

This is a crazy f’ing connection I’ve never seen before


Have to look into it, makes way too much sense

Amazing compendium of important stuff breaking right now. Makes your head spin. I still say we can't fully trust either Q or DJT, but it sure does look like MAYBE, FOR ONCE the animus against what they are trying to do might actually be fore real and not just good cop/bad cop. I think by the end of this week we will have some hard answers finally. Keep up the GREAT WORK, aggroed.

Yeah, even if Q is legit it's still military intelligence and won't provide accurate sattements 100% of the time. if it's wrong and a larp it might have a political purpose. The news feed is pretty amazing from teh patriots that follow. I'm gonna stay frosty and keep watching.

...and praying, bro...and praying...especially for wisdom, man. He promises to give us that if we ask for it, and man are we ever going to need it if Q is for real. Stay frosty but vigilant.

hopefully the shit is going down the toilet... flushes

I like how you show how propaganda operates, using some of their tools as well :)

Bombasting news. Go ahead and following you....@aggroed

Good news, but I miss the fraudulent elections in Venezuela, we are going through a difficult era in this country with communism.

how comes Venezuela still has communism, wierd

maybe Venezuela need some democracy from US, you got oil, right??

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