Meme the News- 3/29/18 Another trove today

in #vietmeme6 years ago

Another trove. Let's see if you can find some goodies on here. Again, this is filled with salty memes so best of luck to the folks that are easily offended.

It can and it did- This a is a Japanese internment camp on US soil.

Pretty simple

Yeah, but it only matters for dead white Americans... right?

Watched too many cop block videos to believe these

It's pretty simple

Go grannie

I actually think it's about the world reserve currency but oil is part of it

Whoever did this was a genius

He's 28. he's not in high school. This whole thing is a false flag

that's a boy. There are some fucked up things happening in our culture these days.

this is what memes induce

Other than that they are lovely people

still wondering why it's important now but not after the other shootings

something to look into

this whole thing creeped me out

It's illegal to be black in America

Nickelodeon seems to have some weird foot fetish

I like Steemit because we're censorship resistant

Double standards

We should point our concerns at bigger problems

Some of the pedogate stuff is breaking

going back to the gold standard?


Seems healthy


Where allergies come from?

cop double standards


Can't confirm. Something to look into.

Recent Q post

The powers that be seem to have this as their deepest secret. The fact that they are finally getting busted is promising. pretty sure this is for 2017.

How it works

Let's organize a march

Allegedly this is what Parkland is used to distract from

Seems important to note

I know which I think is a better investment


I have a lot of Politically Incorrect Memes... But I prefer to keep with me, because only brave warriors can absorve this kind of nonsense shit.

"....But I prefer to keep with me, because only brave warriors ....."

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”

― Mark Twain

wow interesting memes.. created a whole new show for me


Wow. Postingan yang lucu dan bagus

You watch too much copblock, and soon you will not know how to deal with cops. Right now, its just avoid the po-po as much as you can.

Police officers should take note. Good people are avoiding the po-po, this ends badly for the police. Every time.

Am just observing I pray God will see us through, everywhere is on fire.

Thanks for sharing information, very interesting to read and useful for all.

kids have peanut allergies because their parents don't give them peanuts when they are little. Keep up the good fight, I have been getting down votes for pointing out parkland hypocrisy.

Love your memes. Thanks for posting!
Are you aware that you are being stalked by a down-voter?
Sad that we have to put up with people like that...

The Japanese-Americans that were sent to the WWII internment camps in the US were way too docile, IMO. So were the Jewish folks that were sent to the Nazi concentration camps.

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