Meme the News: 12/18/18

in #vietmeme6 years ago

You wanted salty memes? I have your salty memes! Your'e gonna love them. They will make you feel awesome. Your life was incomplete before you had these in your life!

HRC outta the country + timing

It is odd

Why leave?


Financial bounty hunters

In case you missed some crime spree

I think this is the guy in charge fo the vatican bank

it's not a gas tax thing

Nevada, old news, but yeah, suspicious story af

You thin blue line motherfuckers are gonna feel confused when food riots get stomped by boyz in blue

If you can afford to prep you may consider it. Who knows if this is accurate...

Text tax is to give your money to the illegal migrant caravan folks

This was an actual grievance for the guys on the Mayflower

sex trafficking victim gets put behind bars for killing the sex trafficker and sentenced to 50 years.... yeah, cause the elite pedos are mad one of their girls killed one of their handlers

so much win

Cars from 2005 and up are creepy af

Less QQ more pew pew

Just lolz

Mars bitches


Learn law

I identify as witness number 2

Good advice for the revolution

More pedos going to jail

It's cool when white people do it now that all the minorities have been imprisioned


That Hallmark xmas movies one is fantastic.

Watch out holoz0r... Christmas attacks soon!

Shut your sound and pour me some eggnog so I can get these gifts wrapped!!!

I was looking forward to a new meme-the-news ever since you were very busy with SteemMonsters, thanks!

You gonna grow old fats if you think about these things in the government.

Identify as Witness Number two today, and tomorrow, #1?
This Witcis thing is crazy.

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