Vidy - unique service for websites

in #vidy6 years ago (edited)

Hello everybody! Today we’re looking at the Vidy project, the purpose of which is to create and improve possibilities in the video advertising sphere as well as its own content monetization. Let’s take a closer look.

What is Vidy?

It’s a service that helps to promote your own site or blog using certain tools and functional and monetize the content published, as well as search relevant material very accurately.

The thing is the project expands the habitual possibilities of video advertising thank to special hidden layer which every internet site has.

What problems the project solves

Currently most exchanges and advertisers announce that there’s extremely little room for placement of video-content. Plus, text and pictures don’t attract users anymore, that is why advertisers invent new methods of attracting. For instance, huge corporations upload mood videos in the net. At the same time, the demand on advertising raises. This is the first problem for Vidy to solve – creating room for advertising due to hidden layer.

The second problem is cheating. For the past years the percentage of cheating raised almost twofold, which tells us about existing distrust between parties. Advertisers lose colossal sums when the videos don’t appear or tags are changed into low-frequency ones. According to Google analysts, the situation will get worse eventually. There’s no guarantee there will be no cheaters, that’s why developers created Vidy.

These very problems became a reason why users reject advertising, and any advertising videos and pictures bring negative. Many marketers try to invent something new every day, find customers and make advertising bring positive emotions. Surely, there’re lots of ways to use the advertising on the internet efficiently so the information is useful for every user and created based on their preferences. But all these methods become senseless due to cheating in advertising.

Thank to the blockchain technology, Vidy will let the online space be at most crystal clear, so the cheating will disappear.

How does the platform work?

The platform works with the NLP protocol. Its source code is open, controlled by miners of the system, which is absolutely decentralized. Such protocols place advertising automatically.

The advertisers see each company on the special bar. People can control and upload their own videos from here. In addition, the advertiser can regulate and analyze each of advertising company with all of its advantages and disadvantages. This bar also lets estimate the work level of other platforms.

The base feature of the platform is decentralized storage of information. All the information about users will be recorded. Also the terms of payment and placement will be recorded. Every criterion will be automatically done thank to smart-contracts. This very solution is offered to solve the main problem of advertising, because in this case the resources won’t be wasted. All the terms and resources for publication are provided in advance.


In my opinion, the advertising was waiting for a next step for a long time, as everybody is sick of habitual banners and pictures. The thing is Vidy invents the new type of advertising which is more accurate, so it’s not going to be annoying and will suit nearly for every person. Considering the cheating problem is gone, advertisers will soon use the service.

Official links to the Vidy project:

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