Video Game Addiction

in #videogames7 years ago (edited)

The definition of addiction is clear: A compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance. While many people who play video games don't think they're addicted, they're lying to themselves. Personally, looking at how much I previously played I didn't fit the description of having an addiction, but deep down I knew I was. There was something that was holding me back so I couldn't let go. I knew I was wasting precious time that should be spent toward better things.

Many young people spend too much time in a video game daze and forget about reality. Time is something that can't be brought or bought back. Were all those countless hours worth it? I've been playing games for the last 3 years and to be honest looking back, I wish I would have spent my time on something else. So many people have great potential that gets squashed.

Breaking away from video games was pretty difficult but eventually I did it. There's nothing wrong with video games but there is something wrong with the addiction to them. Don't get distracted on things that won't last. Your life matters.



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