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RE: Im Making a video game! "Geryon: In the Land of the Broken" announcement + shots +news!

in #videogame6 years ago

I forgot to add, I also love those Kind of games! Some of my Favs that have inspired : dear Esther, everybody gone to the rapture, gone home, the vanishing of Ethan Carter, firewatch,what remains of Edith finch and more! So you can expect something along those lines but obviously a lower production as its being made solely by one person who is not really a developer hehe.


I see! I've only heard about those games, but I haven't played them but at least the stuff I heard about are good. I was thinking more about Myst-like games, you know, lots of puzzles and things to read, or Stasis, a horror adventure game and very pretty.

I know that you're mostly a graphic artist, and I'm quite worried that you might neglect the story or puzzle element of the game, but maybe you're equally talented in those areas? I certainly hope so. Even if you are not, the game will still be stunning, so you can be proud about that :).

hey Scrawly! :) yes, those games have actually defined a gaming specific genre and stand as brilliant example of story driven exploration experiences. Definitely worth checking out! Im actually also a fan of Myst from back int its original days when came out! like you, I also like those kind of games and in fact, I woudlnt neglect the puzzle elements or the story at all! reality is, I enjoy story heavy based games and this is something that motivated me to create the game and base it around a deep lore and mysterious story. As for the puzzles, while I do want to implement some specific mechanics and puzzles, I will have to figure that out later because the main problem is..I cant code or program such tasks haha. Im learning some very basics on the engine by watching tutorials and reading epic game's documentation on Unreal 4. This should at least help understand better how to setup a simple game with start and end, and possibly some mechanics to take the concept further! we will have to see! :D lots of trial and error already and more inbound! Hopefully, at least comes out beautiful as Im extremely interested in offering a great atmospheric, ambient exploration adventure and as a Graphics artist, this would be still my priority and bet on those acquired skills and my previous experience working for films tv series and more! thank you for your support and feedback. I do care what people think of the idea and take notes on how the game could be better! (as long that is I can make those parameters work in the end!) Its a very personal project that I decided to create all alone. Plus its very hard to find great unreal developers here in Greece where Im located and working from the internet with abroad collaborators on something complex like this, would be a problem.

I understand that it's an impossible dream to have every part of the project to be stellar, especially on areas that you don't have much expertise about. Hmm have you thought about the music and other part of the game though, those parts that are not artistic at all but essential, like financing and advertising and publishing? I know that you want it to be a solo project, but on the other hand, it would also be a shame if you create a graphical masterpiece and people can't appreciate it because they expect a game to have more than pretty art.

Since you are already a professional developer, maybe it's good to use your connection to help you? They might be able to offer better advice than me about that sorts of stuff.

Ahhh, but if you are really committed to the idea of doing this solo, I understand and respect that as well :).

All points are very good! I have indeed researched on every aspect and when it comes to music and sound, I have already couple of professional peers who might help but alps a huge list of tracks that I can use. Promo wiseIf all goes well and the game goes end up broken I'm considering submmiting to steam for greenlight. Seems to be the best place for such indies after all. I'm not certain abouta lot because ecaclty I'm not a veteran developer but just an artist. However I have seen that is doable with training and lots of work and dedication. After all its an experiment and I do want to see it through! I think that the people and fans who know my work will know what to expect and shouldn't judge the product as a regular video game like others but more like an atmospheric beautiful experience. After all, I just use my strongest assets as illustrator, concept artist and 3d artist and have to rely on those! More updates to come soon!

You have thought of a lot of things, I am very happy to know that. One last thing, there's also this Steem style of kickstarter called fundition. You should research into it if you need additional financial support to create the game. As with any other kickstarter projects though, the presentation to display your project is crucial because they will make a decision to support or reject your offer.

Whatever you do, I wish you a lot of success with this beautiful game, Manthos :D.

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