The Sights Of Second Life

in #videogame6 years ago


For this episode of ‘Sights Of Second Life’, I thought I would talk about the sim ‘Extropia Core’.

One of the most frequently-asked questions I received with regards to Extropia Core was ‘Is this your sim?’. Either that or people would message me to congratulate me on how good my sim was. But, actually, it was not my sim at all. Its actual owner was an avatar called Sophrosyne Stenvaag. We knew each other before Extropia Core was built, and as I recall she named the sim after me. But other than that I had little to do with managing the sim or building anything on it.

Sophrosyne did not create Extropia Core by herself. She had help from people like Galatea Gynoid and Serendipty Seraph (who was my partner in SL for a while). The community of Extropia Core built this fantastic futuristic sim comprised of several islands upon which was built some of the most impressive architecture I have seen in Second Life. I used to love flying my airship around it and taking in the sights.


As well as enjoying the views, there were some great events held here. Soph was able to get some famous names in the world of transhumanism and science fiction to come speak. She managed to book Charles Stross, who wrote the story ‘Accelerando’, which is one of my favourite science fiction novels. We also held a birthday party for Max More here. Max More was one of the founding fathers of transhumanism and the person who coined the term ‘extropy’ (it means a tendency of technology to head toward greater order).

Sadly, Extropia Core is no longer a part of SL. I think the expense of managing such a large sim proved too much for Soph and her team. But I do have very fond memories of this place. It looked amazing and the community was great.

Thanks to the creators of Extropia Core for the image.

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