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RE: Le Vlog #3: Thank you to my 200+ followers/Saturday morning thoughts!

in #video7 years ago

Hey anytime man!

And the fact that a lot of steemians do that is a big reason why i'm trying to get to Rep 50 so bad! At what Rep do you think users use as the minimum threshold before they consider reading an article?

And thanks full! I have been enjoying making these so much that i've been rushing to get all of my school work done, so I can learn how to make a better vlog in regards to editing, execution, and generating good ideas!

And your right about the YouTube exposure too! I never thought I would get involved with anything other than watching videos on Youtube. Actually making them is sort of surreal. I definitely a niche too, so hopefully I continue to get better haha

Also thanks for checking out my last two videos! I don't have that many followers so I don't know how much exposure I sent to your page, but I think your going to succeed on here as well! I really enjoyed our convo yesterday because it was the first real time I was actually engage with an author and share our thoughts and ideas in more than one post haha.

Looking forward to reading and conversing more with you about whatever haha Just sent something your way! Thanks again for the support!


Oh wow!! You randowhaled me!! Hahah rad, Thanks man!! 😂

Hmmmm... For me there isn't a firm cutoff, I think you're around the point where I might click. Mid to high 40s should mean you're an established acct and not like a random goofball so I think you're already at the point where most people would at least consider reading, and then just the higher you go the more likely it is

I'm kind of a donkey with curating tho and don't really have a formula for doing it optimally, so other people might have different answers 😜

Steemit brought the YouTube out of you!! There will probably come a day where lots of small and average YouTube channels start realizing they should be posting here lol

No problem my dog! I'm not a dolphin yet, so I had too hook you up somehow haha

And Idk man, you might be pretty good at curating! I think your going to get a good pay out on my posts, because not a lot of people voted on it and the reward pool is decent!

And yeah it did haha I'm thinking of hitting my dude up who is a music tech to help me edit my videos. Maybe he can hook me up with a logo and intro music too because I'm looking very bottom tier compared to a many of the bloggers on youtube haha And hopefully they figure it out before steem hits $20!

Ya I appreciate it!

And if I'm good at curating it's just by luck lol. Maybe I make decent selections but I don't know all the ins and outs of how the algorithm works. Learning tho

And ya intros and editing and all that jazz is big on YouTube.

I don't think it matters much here on Steemit.. like using YouTube as a host to add your vlog to your Steemit post, I feel like most people here don't worry too much about polished editing. But would def level you up vs other YouTubers and help you spread there.

Just up to you I think and whether that's something you want to commit time to right now


Well I'm not to keen on making my Youtube push just yet haha That definitely saved me a lot of time!

Thanks for the advice and your support my dog! Always enjoy our convos!

And ya man, was great to talk to you and meet you yesterday! You're a great soul, for the universe and the steemitverse!

I'm not the one posting about ways we save can save the planet haha Thank you tho!

Hahah 😂😂 you're funny bro

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