video: The Virus Scare [Why People World Wide Reject Covid Vaccine]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #video4 years ago (edited)

Why are people world wide rejecting the Covid-19 vaccination? Even many first responders say "No!". What went wrong? And where do we go from here? Welcome to a bonus edition of VidarReturns.

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This video will be a faster pace from our usual content. Today we are going to shine a light on deception and lies, and part of how we arrived here. We're going deep, so brace yourself. All of this information has been out there, and we're simply compiling some of the best of it here in one place.

First we to begin with, a little back story on how the virus spread started. We all know it came from China, and the fears were legitimate. As the virus and news spread to places like Italy and a quarantined Cruiseliner, they appeared to be ravaged by the virus, with hospitals over flowing, and a high percentage of deaths. This was a new virus and tensions were high. Solid methods of treatment were yet unknown. The virus spread was soon considered a Pandemic by many official sources. At that time we had not made a clear connection between the virus and the elderly. The affected Cruiseliner was mostly senior citizens. What is still not known by most people is that in 2019, Italy had the highest percentage of elderly citizens of any country in the EU.
No country in the EU had a higher percentage of elderly citizens than Italy.

By March of 2020, it was spreading fast, and everyone realized it. Stock markets around the world were rocked. Every outlet was advising caution and taking care of public health. From the extreme far left-wing to the far right-wing, and everyone in between. All were in agreement of the danger and that we should take measures to protect ourselves and loved ones.

Then something changed. A division started to grow. A political division. A division that had been fueled primarily by the Mainstream Media. It had been festering for years up to this point, and now was a prime time to poison the public further. Instead of quarantining and controlling the sick, we were encouraged to quarantine and control everyone.

Karen (noun):

  • A person who blindly follows Authoritative rules without question or research, and also seeks to pressure or intimidate others to follow such rules

It was from that point controlling the virus started to evolve from containment into Tyranny. Not only do we lock up those infected, we lock up those uninfected. Businesses began being shutdown. People were divided into 2 groups, the essentials and the non-essentials. Nevermind the non-essentials. Those individuals can apparently be disposed of by society. So what they lose everything they've worked for their entire life. All that becomes justified in the name of the virus scare. And that's exactly what it becomes. No longer a warning of care and caution, but it now becomes "The Virus Scare".

Like the War on Terror, we can manipulate and control the public if we just keep them in fear. But the contradictions and hypocrisy began to quickly show. While good honest hard working people who try to feed their children are put in jail, BLM begins pillaging and destroying the products of those same good people. Giant crowds of BLM and Antifa protestors, breaking into businesses, stealing/looting, and burning down that which was built by righteous people. In the 2020 riots, BLM has been linked to over 2 dozen deaths. Innocent people in fear of dieing from evil-enraged violence. Meanwhile Christians are arrested for peacefully attending outdoor religious services. What is the response by the Media, Mega-Corporations, and Extreme-left: Make justifications for evil and wicked behavior again and again. Not only excusing pure evil, but also helping fund it.

Somewhere along the line, people started to realize the virus scare wasn't about helping people; instead it was about directly depriving Freedoms and increasing Government Control over the lives of citizens.

Then came the lies and censorship. The Media covering mostly BLM Riots as "Peaceful Protests". The Corporate lies. Dr Fauci lies. In regards to population immunity:

In the pandemic’s early days, Dr. Fauci tended to cite the same 60 to 70 percent estimate that most experts did. About a month ago, he began saying “70, 75 percent” in television interviews. And last week, in an interview with CNBC News, he said “75, 80, 85 percent” and “75 to 80-plus percent.”

In a telephone interview the next day, Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.

So what he's saying is, he's been lieing all along, knowing that what he said originally wasn't true. Should that inspire us to believe Fauci's gut feelings? And here he is admitting he lied about masks. Play the clip

So Fauci confesses that he lied about the public needing masks originally, and he knew it, but he did it so that health workers could have masks. What a character this guy is.

Meanwhile, we are being mislead by the Authorities and Experts, here we are slammed with their method of Death reporting. Play the clip

Video of politician admitting that dieing with Coronavirus is considered a Covid Death.

If a person has Covid-19 and dies in a parachute accident, then they are considered a Covid death. This is a perfect tool for the Media to use for projecting fear and compliance among the public. When the Media tries to scare us and say 10,000 people died with Covid, that doesn't mean 10,000 people died because of Covid. So how many people actually died Because of Covid? Well that information does the opposite of induce fear, so is there any wonder we never hear about it?

And then there are the Karen's who blindly regurgitate what they are told. Karen's don't do critical research for themselves. They on the internet, and in the grocery store, and in our work places pushing Slogans like "Believe Science", in the complete absence of science. There is literally zero science behind lockdowns. Play the clip

And so the population is following a made up set of rules, filled with Deception and Lies. And then they chant "Believe Doctors", because if you're a doctor, you can talk about Covid without risk of being banned from multiple networks, unless you say something they don't want to hear. Then they censor all the doctors that go against the virus scare agenda.

*Note: There is no anti-science or anti-doctor movement. These "Believe XYZ" terms are a obvious propaganda slogans to gain population compliance, stop questioning, and stop critical thinking.

Countless Doctors around the world, being censored, losing their practice, and many even being jailed. Too many to list. This clip here is of German Dr Andreas Noack that was livestreaming on YouTube as the police broke into his home and arrested him. Violently took him into custody and to jail for what? For hate speech? No. For going against the Political and Corporate agenda.

Dr Andreas Noack arrested on livestream

Because that's what it really is. It's not "Believe Science", it's not "Believe Doctors". It is "Believe Politicians and Corporate Billionaires".

Because if you're a Billionaire vaccine pusher, like Bill Gates, then you can come on National Television and sell your product anytime. Not a doctor, not a scientist. A Billionaire vaccine investor. Play the clip

Video of Bill Gates on Joe Rogan

And what of the people that do suffer side effects. What's your recourse? That's right, you guessed it. There is no recourse, and there is no liability.

And what of people who died shortly after receiving the vaccine. One example is the famous baseball player, Hank Aaron. Shortly after receiving the Moderna Vaccination, he unexplainably died. Snopes says the claim that he died as a result of a COVID-19 vaccination is "Unproven".

Do you see how the virus scare works? People who die with the virus are considered a "Covid Death". But why aren't people who die after receiving vaccination considered a "Vaccination Death"?

Do you still think this is science?

At some point, more and more people start to realize it's not about Truth, but about obedience. About allegiance to power. Allegiance to the agenda.

Vaccination deaths not being counted. Those who have vaccine symptoms or death have no recourse. Fauci and other Authorities lieing when it's convenient. Making up science and statistics to fit the agenda. Only listening to Doctors when they say what goes along with what the Authorities want them to say. And welcoming public interviews with Billionaire vaccine investors to tell us the proper direction and guidance for the country.

People are not exaggerating when they say these Media and Politicians are absolutely Evil and Corrupted forces.

"Add into that, it's debatable whether mRNA vaccines actually fit the true definition of a vaccine."

And so once the Media, and Politicians, and Big Tech, and all these institutions have revealed themselves as a absolutely corrupt liars, it is any wonder why they've lost huge amounts of public trust? Anyone with half a brain is going to think twice. Now people are rejecting the vaccine.

*Note: It is questionable whether these mRNA injections can even be defined as a vaccine, since they do not make someone immune from contracting and spreading the virus.

Just look at the headlines.

Fauci Says Military Who Refuse Covid-19 Vaccine Are ‘Part Of The Problem’ After High Rate Of Service Members Refuse Jab

No Fauci, you're the problem. You're corrupt and disgusting.

A quarter of people in France, Germany and the US may refuse Covid vaccine
Nearly four in ten people in France, more than 25% of those in the US and 23% in Germany say they definitely or probably will not get vaccinated against Covid-19, according to a survey that underlines the challenge facing governments.

Only slightly more than a third of nursing home workers who have been offered a first round of COVID-19 vaccine have chosen to get it

Why are so many healthcare workers refusing to take the COVID vaccine?
A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that almost one-third of healthcare workers will “probably” or “definitely” refuse the vaccine.

Survey: More than half of FDNY firefighters say they will refuse COVID vaccine
First responders on the front lines will have access to a COVID vaccine in just a few weeks, but a recent survey revealed that more than half of FDNY firefighters will refuse a COVID vaccine.

Vaccine rollout hits snag as health workers balk at shots
“It’s far too low. It’s alarmingly low,” said Neil Pruitt, CEO of PruittHealth, which runs about 100 long-term care homes in the South, where fewer than 3 in 10 workers offered the vaccine so far have accepted it.

These numbers are huge. When you consider the fact that in any given population about 1/3 of the people are on the left, about 1/3 on the right, and at least 1/3 of people who are lost or with no strong opinions at all. There are people from all 3 of these groups saying no, and they don't want or trust these vaccines.

Even some celebrities have gone on record saying they don't trust it. Play the clip.
Wendy Williams

The establishment is losing their minds over people and celebrities rejecting the vaccine. For them, this is terrible public optics. It's bad commercial they want to shutdown, and they will censor and delete that too if they can. They are already looking for any possible way they can to propagandize the public into taking the virus scare vaccine.

NHS to enlist 'sensible' celebrities to persuade people to take coronavirus vaccine
NHS bosses plan to enlist celebrities and “influencers” with big social media followings in a major campaign to persuade people to have a Covid vaccine amid fears of low take-up

They lost trust. You don't gain trust with censorship. You don't gain trust through banning ideas, and making excuses for evil and for violence and silencing civilized voices of dissent or disagreement. Harming the lives of good and innocent people. Could they be more corrupt or evil?

It's no wonder why so many people distrust them. People are looking for ways out. People are looking for truth. So where do we go from here? If you are one of the many people that believe in natural health, in this video description there will be a link to a community group that can help you gain resources and knowledge on avoiding the virus scare vaccination.

This is only one of many resources out there. Research what works best for you.

This channel is dedicated to the religion and philosophy of health and harmony with nature in order to create a generations of strong youth that can survive tomorrow.


Closed National Parks

Die with Covid marked as Covid death.

Pickup truck driver attacked.

Avoid Vaccination Group:

Businesses burning.

NYC stores destroyed by looters, riots during George Floyd protests.

Credits for video clips:
An0maly, Jimmy Dore, InfoWars, Benny on the Block, Joe Rogan

We send love out to all our brothers and sisters.


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