Video: The face of evil? Bill Gates and VaccinessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #video4 years ago (edited)

Today we're talking about Bill Gates. Is he a super guy here too help us out, or just another corrupt influence in the world. What's going on?

"Evil forces are any individual or group that promotes false narratives, actively works toward harming our community, or increasing human degeneracy in our community. In attempting to prey on our emotions, they will claim that their actions are inspired by compassion or fairness. Their success is our destruction." - First Principle's of Vidar

Who is Bill Gates? He is an American entrepreneur, surely best known as the co-founder of Microsoft, and the Microsoft Windows operating system. He is currently the second wealthiest man in the world; worth of around $90 billion.

In reaction to the Coronavirus, this year 2020, Gates has gained popularity among the public in a new way, as an advocate of global health, and mandates. Though this isn't entirely new to Gates. In the year 2000 he created the foundation, now known as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

This foundation represents Gates values. From the foundations website-
"We focus on improving people’s health and wellbeing, helping individuals lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty."

Well, this statement seems to have positive things about it, at least in the surface. Gates is about improving people's health, and that's great. We absolutely need be working on to have healthier offspring, and leave the next generation in a better place. Strengthening in health with every generation isn't just a goal, it is mandatory for our evolutionary existence.

Also thrown into their foundational statement is this obscure word "wellbeing". I've discussed the hedonistic use of the term wellbeing before, in my last recording on Sam Harris Finale (link below).

Is the Gates foundation using the term wellbeing in a hedonistic way here also? If they are indiscriminately increasing the pleasure and existence of the current generation, with disregard for the next generation, then this is hedonism, and going against our collective survival.

Coronavirus is the reason Bill Gates has come into the public eye recently. In response to the Coronavirus he has many things to say. Let's check out some words directly from his mouth.

"Q: Do you think there should be a National policy A: Absolutely." 0:40 Video1

Gates Absolutely thinks there should be Nation wide law enforcement of people's behavior in response to the Coronavirus.

"The very first thing is the social isolation, so that the number of contacts outside your household is minimized" 0:02 Video1

Ok, depending on the severity we could accept that as a first step. Some day we could encounter a pathogen that kills half of all people, then we certainly should be working hard to prevent a large spread. A pathogen of such severity could be used as a weapon of mass destruction, and we must protect ourselves from it. In the short term, a lockdown could be an acceptable course of action. Early reports of Coronavirus indicated a fatality rate of 2%, 3%, 4%, and possibly higher. Were these lies Mr. Gates? What's the real percentage?

"As bad as it is, looks to have a 1% fatality rate." 21:00 Video2

So now we are down to 1% fatality rate, and new studies are coming out daily that the fatality rate may be lower than that. Let's think about this logically. If the fatality rate that low, why are we talking about home lockdown? This is unprecedented. But hey, let's suppose that the virus was far more deadly and we agreed that this warrants a lockdown, then what's the long term proposed solution?

"Our foundation works a lot on diagnostics and vaccines, and make new vaccines in large quantity." 2:08 Video1

Ok, vaccines and drugs are fine. They're a great stop gap measure to prevent valuable individuals from dieing in the near term, but what about a real solution? We need to recognize those people who exhibit natural immunity to the virus, and encourage individuals with those superior genetics moving forward into the future generations. What's the plan for that?

"I've talked to the head of the pharmaceutical companies, a lot of the agencies, including the CDC and NIH about how we work together on the vaccine, and the drugs"
8:50 Video1

Right, we got that part about the vaccines already. What's the long term solution so our children are born healthy, rather than sick. So they don't have to suffer and be dependent on drugs and vaccines?

"Likewise the ability to make the anti-viral drugs, to make anti-bodies, to make the vaccines" 6:15 Video1
"It's risky, but it's so important to get not just hundreds of millions, but literally billions of vaccines." 4:35 Video1
"The ultimate solution, is having a vaccine." 5:30 Video2
"We'll have a lot of unusual measures until we get the world vaccinated." 20:00 Video2

Here we begin to truly see into the sick and twisted idea of Gates ideal future. Instead of using technology to produce a world of healthy offspring, he seeks to produce a world of children born into degeneracy and illness, only to be saved by his miracle injections.

There are claims that Gates, and or his funded institutions are accumulating vaccine patents. I couldn't verify if Gates himself was obtaining such patents, but I did find that Pirbright, one of the institutions his foundation has sponsored is currently accumulating patents on the genetics of Coronavirus.

We've got to be rational about this. There is a giant amount of money to be made in producing vaccines. How much money is there in producing healthy children that don't require vaccines?

Donald Trump recently said "We're in war. I call it the invisible enemy." And he's 100% correct.

Fighting a deadly virus is like a war, but it's a war we can easily win. Though just like any war, we need brave soldiers in the front line. It's possible that a few may die, but those that survive, have proven themselves to have a superior genetic line that must continue on into future generations. This is how we save ourselves. We do testing to see who has been infected and who hasn't. Using technology and science to make our children healthier, naturally, and stronger with every generation. We're at war with the virus, and we're at war with those wish to use technology to destroy us.

Evil are those who spread false narratives and degeneracy. And let's watch this rare clip, as Gates recalls a private discussion he had with Donald Trump.

"Science and innovation is a great thing." Video3

Yes, those are good things. What else did you have to say Mr Gates?

"He asked me if vaccines weren't a bad thing. Because he was considering a commission to look into ill effects of vaccines. And I said, no that's a dead end. That would be a bad thing. Don't do that." Video3

Wow, and there you have it. In the first breath he states we need to be scientific, then when someone wants to research ill effects of vaccines, he suddenly switches and reveals himself as anti-science. Science is only good when it reaches the outcomes Gates desires. Otherwise it's just a dead end; don't do that. This is the two faced kind of evil we are dealing with here.

Nature is trying to send us a message. Send us a wake up call. That we are becoming weaker. Compared to what is it could be, Coronavirus is barely a slap on the wrist.

Even Gates speaks on how to make our future stronger, yet his promotion of degeneracy makes him incapable of fully coming out to say it.

"We understand what needs to be done here. It's going to be very painful, but taking the pain early means there's going to be a lot less pain than if we wait..." 10:34 Video1

Right now Coronavirus barely has a fatality rate of 1%. That is a drop in the bucket. We need to work toward having children that are strong and naturally immune to viruses. We can use vaccines as a stop gap measure in the short term. But following Gates degenerate solution will lead to far far more weak and vulnerable people. Global vaccination isn't a solution of love. It's a path of disgusting abandonment, and pushing our problems onto the next generation.

Here is something they will never say in the media.
Exposure to the Coronavirus, is the cure. Over the long term, exposure is the most viable cure for any society.

For those having degenerate traits or weaknesses, this is not inherently bad. Most often it is simply the result of natural events. None of us are perfect. It's the promoting of degeneracy that is evil. We must work together to fight this. Work towards making a better future for our children.

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The First Principle's of Vidar are coming. To be released this year 2020. Guiding principle's for a gratitude life, strong community, and building an incredible future.

Video: Wrecked Sam Harris' Moral Landscape- FINALE

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