video: 6 Ways To Clear Distractions AND IMPROVE Focused ThoughtssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #video4 years ago

In a world that is trying to steal our time and energy, clearing distractions is a necessary skill to succeed in improving and focusing thoughts.

From the time we wake up until the time we sleep, how much are we accomplishing each day. When we look at the previous week, can we say we have accomplished a lot, or a little? Are we getting closer to our life goals, or do they seem to be getting farther away from us? Distractions prevent us from reaching our purpose and goals in life.

There exists distractions in our lives that we don't even know are there. We could clear out one, and another appear. Distractions can be any number of things, and we should be able to recognize them. Do we recognize them as entertainment? Media, social media, television, or games? Do we recognize them as thoughts or emotions? Worry, anxiety, anger, past memories? Do we recognize them as some people or direct experience in our lives? Family, friends, neighbors, outside sounds, or some physical pain?

Even something important to us can be a distraction. We must prioritize those things that are important. If we are trying to focus on priority number 1, then any thought that isn't priority number 1 could be considered a distraction. The point is that we should be able to recognize our distractions. Recognize them so that we may over come them.

Once we've spent some time clearly recognizing our distractions, then we should begin our methods of clearing them from our conscious thoughts.

  1. Get Away and Turn Off

The first thing we should start with is the most obvious, is just getting away from distractions. Whether physically distancing or turning them off. If the distractions are being generated from outside yourself, then the simplest and most immediate solution is to find a better place. Libraries have been used for this purpose for centuries. Up on the balcony can be a quiet area for many people. Even just a spot at the park or under a tree could work. Think of any places where you can find silence. Sometimes having a place of silence may be all it takes to get ourselves on the right track. If the issue is some form of phone or device notifications, then find out how to turn the notifications off. Also, try putting your device in airplane mode, and turn off network connections.

  1. Walk/Exercise/Stretching

Exercise, especially aerobic, increases blood flow to all parts of the body, including our brains. There are many studies that show even light exercise can improve our memory and reduce stress. Playing a sport can do us good and give us time to spend with friends. Even simple sports can be good, such as table tennis or at home badminton. For those of us that need alone time, we can do jogging, lift weights, dance, or swimming. These are just a few of many possible ways we can get our energy flowing. Take brisk walk everyday for 15 to 60 minutes. A 2006 study shows that regular exercise can increased the growth of synapses between brain neural pathways.
So let's get out there and get our bodies moving.

  1. Sleep

Getting enough exercise is one thing, but after we've burned up that energy, we need proper rest to heal and recover. Repair our body and repair our mind. The healthier our mind, the easier it becomes to block out distractions and focus on what we need to do. We all know the feeling of trying to study or concentrate with a lack of sleep, and it just doesn't work. The amount of sleep each person needs can vary, but the recommended amount is about 8 hours a night. When we are fully rested, our minds can operate at higher performance.

  1. Improve Diet, Nutrition, and get some Sunlight

A healthy and functional mind requires good nutrition. We must consider our diet and what we are eating. We can't expect our minds to operate efficiently or clearly on a diet of pizza, soda, and snacks. Diet is a huge problem in modern society. Having abundance is something to be thankful for, but also careful not to abuse. There are many diet experts out there, and this video isn't meant to replace them, but nearly everyone agrees on a few basic things. Avoid processed foods and avoid foods with high amounts of fat and sugar, and eat plenty of vegetables with every meal. Our minds need proper nutrition to operate. Also, get some sunlight. Not only does sunlight provide vitamin D, but studies have shown that sunlight increases serotonin levels, decreases depression, and helps improve sleep.

  1. Avoid Chemicals

Many of us are coming in contact with potentially harmful chemicals everyday and not even knowing it. At work, at the gym, in public places, and possibly even at home. Harsh cleaning chemicals leave residue behind and can be making us sick or giving us headaches. If you notice yourself feeling worse at certain times of the day, try to take note of the location, and avoid that location for a while to see if you don't begin to feel better. Also, be weary of air pollution. Air Pollution can stress our thinking abilities by respiratory damage that restricts oxygen flow to the brain.

  1. Meditation

It may seem cliche to include meditation, but meditation has been used for centuries by people needing to clear distractions and focus their mind. There are studies that show meditation can help reduce stress, anxiety, balance emotions, and lengthen our attention span. Find a quiet place to be alone or meditate with another. We can meditate in our room, or find a silent area in nature. Meditation gives us practice on isolating a single thought. Get away from everything and take a few minutes to practice breathing deeply, and focusing on our breath.

With these ways to clear distractions, some will likely work better for us than others. We are all different, and we need to test them out and see what combination works best for us. Some of these solutions require willpower and discipline, but shouldn't let that deter us. The benefits from improving will extend to every area of our lives. We have the power within ourselves, and we just need to do it. Start with the first steps today. Apply the rules.

Use these methods to help stay guided on the life purpose of good in the world. Promoting harmony with nature, natural health, and genetic strength. Nature loves the healthy among us.

Previous Video: "Stop Reoccurring Life Problems"

I send love out to all my brothers and sisters. Our Ancestors live on through us, and we thank them for our blessings of mind, body, and emotional spirit.


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