Live Improvisational Music Production (L.I.M.P.) Make VA sound like Analog; my tip.. Session #16

in #video6 years ago (edited)


Nothing hard just use an extra Analog filter... ;) In this case the Korg Monotribe is being used and it's set so that the oscillator doesn't open up. This can be achieved by setting Wave triangle, Cutoff open, Rate closed, Int open, Range narrow, Peak closed, EQ bandpass(middle), Target VCO, Mode fast, Wave square. And recording in the highest note on the highest octave. Now sound should come through and you can use the cutoff and peak as filter knobs... Always great to hear that gnarly resonance from the Ms-20 filter, gotta love it. Great to use along with sparkLE's filter, to give it that analog feel. I'll give u guy's an example of that later.. (kinda forgot about that)



Yes i am 5 artists in one; i mostly do sounddesign so i needed more then one name. Lately Thru5th is what i use the most just to keep things simple. I also play the mouth harp and specialise in organic sounddesign, which i tend to give an ethnic feel.. I love tribal-like compilations; the sound of a real drum or even emulated ones is something that really appeals to my ear. Offcourse this is all part of my niche, Psychedelic / Shamanic / Electro / Dark / Ambient / Dub / Post EBM; but i geuss it's up to the public to decide. I do try to innovate as much as i can, even think it's still possible to create a new style. Even after all these years i'm still developing my own style, so i geuss anything is possible.

I'm currently working on 2 albums one is an Shamanic Downtempo and the other one Post New Beat (EBM) :p these style's will be ever lasting i asure u i truly enjoy making these.

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If u like New Beat and want to compose a record togheter with me and some other New Beat artists, join us on a real Belgian label and send me a message where we can talk things over.. no ties attached;
The idea is to buy a 100 vinyl samples and devide them sell em our selves and get more if we want to.. It's 1000 euro's for 100 LP copy's that's achievable for anyone; solo artists do it all the time, why not stick our heads togheter? They'll get around the world much quicker this way.. ;)


lol really thought i'd cut a scene on the end...

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