Major Russian TV Documentary Film Exposes LGBT Lobby, Moral Decay of West (Video)

in #video6 years ago

A hard-hitting, major recent Russian film which provides a devasting look into the LGBT movement worldwide. Highly recommended

by Stephen Engel

YouTube keeps censoring this film. That tells you everything you need to know about the anti-Christian moral rot in America. We originally published this article in December of 2016. YouTube eventually blocked the video, but we recently found it again on another channel, so are republishing it again.

We've watched the entire film and highly recommend it. It is an eye-opener.

Very disturbing

This blockbuster, 1 hour documentary, entitled 'Sodom', originally aired on Russian prime-time TV in May of 2015, causing a sensation in Russia at the time.

It has never appeared anywhere in English, until now, subtitled or dubbed. This translation is dubbed. It is available exclusively on the Russia Insider Youtube channel.

It had a substantial 6 figure budget, allowing Russian journalists to travel widely - to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Italy, Australia, Germany, and elsewhere, to do ground-breaking, original investigation into the LGBT movement.

The film is interesting on a number of levels. It was made by Arkady Mamontov, a popular TV host and investigative journalist famous for his ground-breaking documentaries.

Mamontov is a conservative Christian. His best known recent film is about the Greek orthodox monastic island of Athos (in Russian only). He has also done a lot of work on Russian social issues, and on the Ukraine conflict.

The film relects popular attitudes towards LGBT in Russia, and is interesting in that it shows what Russians are told about LGBT and Americans in their mainstream media.

Mamontov hosting the show he started: 'Spetsialnii Korrespondent'

The dub is by Russians who speak good English, and is not bad at all.

After a somewhat dull intro section recalling the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the film gets interesting.

It leads with a comical interview with an unsuspecting German Lutheran priest in Berlin with a taste for sodomy who explains how Christianity does not actually proscribe this peculiar predilection.

It then profiles Scott Lively - an anti-LGBT activist who takes the Russian journos on a guided tour of lavishly funded Washington DC lobbying organizations pushing LGBT issues deep into the bowels of the the US government (no pun intended).

Next comes a spooky parade of homosexual weirdos - gays being married in Germany, an artificial insemination clinic in LA, grotesque sex freaks at a parade in San Francisco, at which a skeptical mailman tells an Adam and Steve joke, a truly disturbing video of a gay man fake-suckling newborn infants, taken from their surrogate mother minutes earlier, and a painfully awkward scene of a sodomite male couple showing how they raise their children.

Say hello to the future of humanity if the globalists get their way

We then go to Italy, to talk to a reformed homosexual who realized he had been sucked into a giant hoax and went straight while embracing Christianity, and see a profile of the massive anti-gay movement there, which brings millions into the streets to protest the advance of LGBT, as well as a smaller similar movement in Germany.

Difficult to watch

Next is Moldova, a small eastern European country sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania, and a battle-ground state in the US-Russia power struggle, where we hear about how US diplomats put heavy pressure on the local government to allow gay parades and the advancement of LGBT issues to a skeptical populace.

Next is the country of Georgia, where there is also a very strong anti-LGBT movement due to the extremely conservative attitudes towards sexual roles in society. The film exposes how, while he was in power, the former president Mikheil Saakashvili, institutionalized sodomy as a method of torture in Georgian prisons against political opponents, showing a man being sodomized. Unsurprisingly, Saakashvili's popularity in Georgia didn't last, and now he has been installed as the mayor of Odessa, Ukraine, by American neocons, much to the chagrin of certain members of the government in Kiev.

The film argues that the sodomy technique is an American export, used in Iraq, Georgia, and Ukraine by Americans and their clients deliberately in countries with conservative social mores, where such an event is the ultimate humiliation for a man, worse even than death.

A Georgian prisoner being sodomized (scene from film)

The film closes with a brief profile of how Russian society rejects LGBT, quoting Christian teaching on marriage:

"A union, between a man and a woman, granted by God, gives humanity a chance to continue life. There is a deep sense to the biblical passage 'Be fruitful and muliply, and fill the earth'"

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