Psychedelic Che Guevara Mandela Effect - The Paradise Paradox Episode 130 (podcast/video)

in #video8 years ago (edited)

Che Guevara is a very controversial figure. Many idolise him, many detest him, and many are left confused about the wide gap between these two points of view. Of course, many people had the incentive to lie about Che. The Cuban government wanted to present him as a hero, a warrior who fought against the oppression of foreign interests, and as a gentle soul, a doctor who wanted to heal people. The US government wanted to present him as "The Butcher of La Cabaña", an evil, twisted, sadistic man, a fraud posing as a fighter, a heartless murderer and rapist who valued nothing more than the blood of his enemies, and his allies.

Some say that destroying the symbols of a good thing, such as hope or fortune, can have a kind of magical or psychological effect - something like the "Newspeak" discussed in George Orwell's famous book, "1984". If you remove the ability to discuss a certain thing, that can make it harder to think that thought. If you take a symbol such as a swastika, which was known almost all over the world as a symbol of good luck, fortune, and even God Itself, and change it to a symbol of hatred, murder, and even pure evil, how much will that serve to confuse people? And to those who still believe that Che's was a symbol of hope, of revolution, of better things to come, if you wanted to destroy their future, would it be enough to destroy the symbol? As the saying goes, the winners write the history books. Are they still rewriting them?

In this episode we talk about Che Guevara as an icon, and discuss whether it's possible that governments may still want to destroy it, how a Che T-shirt can apparently appear out of nowhere, and how governments may take the time to rewrite history. We also discuss Kurt's ideas of continuing to take psychedelics, pushing the mind to new frontiers, and about bargaining in life and death situations.

Join us in the next time-shifting episode of ... The Paradise Paradox!

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The Paradise Paradox is a podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people. We cover topics such as crypto-currency, technology, politics, economics, freedom, free-thinking, and psychedelic experiences.

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What does the Mandela Effect have to do with Che? I don't get it. Do I have to listen to the podcast to find out?

I guess, or I'll just tell you now. There's a certain Che quote that talks about being a machine driven by pure hate. I remember the first time I researched it, I found that there weren't any good sources. The second time I researched it, I remember that I did find solid sources. Now, looking again, I can see that there don't seem to be any solid sources. So we ask the question in the episode, whether it had something to do with the Mandela effect, or governments trying to rewrite history, or just my bad memory.

Ahhhhhh, k. Thank you for the clarification. I'm not well versed in the history of Che so I can't pick a side if ME is to blame or bad memory. I'm glad to see some Mandela Effect posts on Steemit though. Upvoted.

Thanks. The Mandela effect is a fun idea... it seems kind of fanciful from an everyday perspective, but if we take that leap to the other perspective, we have to wonder if it could really be the case.

The C3P0 silver leg thing still messes with me. I watched Episode IV maybe 10 or 100 times as a kid, and I never noticed that he had legs of different colours. Very very weird.

When I first discovered the Mandela Effect in March of this year the movie Interview with the Vampire was called Interview with A Vampire and the show Sex and the City was called Sex IN the City. They have both reverted back to the way I always remembered them since then. I think the revert happened about a month ago. I am now keeping a closer eye on ME to realize exactly which day stuff changes.

Yes, I also heard about C3P0 silver legs and the girl from moonraker not having braces when she smiles at Jaws. A lot of people's minds have been blown including this man's:

Hm... I'm sure I've seen the movie, but I don't remember the character. I might have to download it and watch it to see what's up. Definitely seems weird.

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