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RE: True Feminist Karen Straughan Talks About MGTOW - Response To Jordan Peterson

in #video6 years ago

That was a really long walk a short drink of water....

What the meme "actually" implies is : Politicians, lawyers, lawmakers (etc.) are known for lying, stealing and generally being corrupt.... So, lets figure out what is right instead of whats legal... that is all, its that simple.

YOU have chosen to extrapolate that data and apply it somewhere else and make it about an attack on democracy, calling for a lawless wasteland, etc. which neither the meme or i implied at all.

Now, in relation to the video this post is about, assuming you actually watched it.

The reason i posted a meme about law is the fact she (in the video) continues to reference discrepancies in law and differences between the same action being taken between males and females ie "poking holes in condoms" ect. females don't even get fined, however, males get charged with rape , sexual assault etc.

But here is the long and short , i posted a meme in support of what was being stated in the video about the law, you misinterpreted and extrapolated the data to mean something which was "offensive" or "argumentative" and your response was aggressively blunt. Further , your elaboration exposed an irrational reaction to data which supported the very video you posted...

Im sorry, but if that is how you choose to interact with people supporting and engaging with your posts im not really interested in discussing anything with you.


You did ask me to elaborate, twice. So i did.

What the meme "actually" implies is : Politicians, lawyers, lawmakers (etc.) are known for lying, stealing and generally being corrupt.... So, lets figure out what is right instead of whats legal... that is all, its that simple.

Fair enough. I'm just saying not all law makers are liars and thieves.

I asked (twice) because i was confused as to why you would have such an adverse reaction to something posted which was supporting the data stated "in the video". Further, the elaboration was well off point in a cascade of tangents that had nothing to do with the point being made which was supporting the data within the video.

The basis of the meme is not to state that ALL lawmakers (etc.) are thieves and liars (and no one stated that in this discussion), but that it is well known that the system is broken and people, particularly in high power positions, are easily corrupted. That these people serve the "system" and perpetuate the issue... no matter how good a persons "intentions" are, you cant fix the broken system using the broken system.

The point is that we should not be "just following the crowd", being sheeple and hiding behind the "well its legal" argument, but actually thinking for ourselves (critical thinking) and basing the actions we take based on what is "right" and not based on what is "legal".

Keep in mind at one point, slavery was legal and so was beating your wife, just because its legal does not make it right... so...

When you elaborated and put it that way I have to agree.

glad to see we have reached an understanding on the data presented :)

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