NOW !!! ( A Steemit exclusive short Film)

in #video8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to this exclusive viewing experience!

I am excited to present our fist short film.

It was made 9 years ago ( such a different time vis a vis the tools you could use) and it was my student film.

At the time I had the idea of inventing a new style of film. I know, a bit arrogant from my part (like most film students heheh) but so I did.

I was going to make a short fictional film mixed with Documentary and Music Video. It was a powerful film, about the world, society, politics, people, History… and so on… It was a very interventional film and it had a few screening after it’s completion.

I wish I had a Making of documentary about it… every single step was met with total resistance… Starting with the relationship with my teacher, that was not so good… loosing an actress a couple days before shooting… many, many episodes... too many to mention here… but let me just give you a couple of behind the scenes examples:

It was a four day shoot, and exactly on those four days I could not find my wallet (she appear the very next day under the microwave) the wallet contained my driver’s licence … and I had to drive a big van (something I had never done), in the peak of rush hour in the city with the most chaotic traffic in Europe… and yes... I was stopped by the police when I was already late for the shoot….

One of the filming days took place in my apartment. And for the first and only time in my life, I went out and closed the door with the keys inside… Yes... on the day we where filming there, just 30 min before the cast and crew arrive I locked myself out of my own place….

And it continued in such a style until the film was locked… The post-production alone was enough to write a a book. People in my family where calling me “James Cameron” due to the post time he spent on Avatar…

But it got made and I learned a lot of lessons.

Personally it’s an important film for me, even if now, I would change it a lot.

I never show it now a days, (It can be called a Steemit exclusive) since I can see many flaws in it and a slightly more arrogant voice.

But I still like it.

Here it is:

Hope you enjoy!!

(The film is in English and Portuguese with English subs)

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