
This is honey badger grade! We need a version with Randall doing silly comments :)

I hadn't seen the comment, and as I was seeing this video honey badger came to mind ahahaha, that video has destroyed my view of animal documentaries forever.

Сunning fox
nice video!

Excellent video!

ha ha, i like fox

The fox uses the Earths magnetic field to help locate the critter under three feet of snow, amazing..

fox hunting cool

Oh my God! This fox is so cute !

wow great video

Nice video. The fox is a nice animal. Here in Norway it has almost died out. Its sad. All the Volf also are almost killed, couse shep farmers, complains about they take the lamb.
I dont like to witnes all the nice creatures geting killed. Its sad to see the world going in wrong directions.
Tanks for the post

I've seen you in quite a few places now :)

Yess, i like to be active. kind of adicted to steemit :p

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