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RE: Briefly Addressing Two Common Objections to the Philosophy of Voluntaryism.

in #video7 years ago

Do you think it's possible for a state itself to be voluntaryist? Where taxes are voluntary, and the military only exists for self-defense? Or would it necessarily violate voluntaryist principles in some way?

Hypothetically speaking, of course. I don't expect this to happen any time soon.


Enter private law societies. Anarchy means no rulers, not no rules. The important thing to know - and many statists are ignorant about - is that anarchists often want to live in communities that have rules, but they just don't reject not having a choice to opt out like it's the case at the moment. Take Liberstad for example: it's a private city with rules (although few) and people voluntarily agree to live by those rules.

As far as I know, Liberland has voluntary taxation. But it's a really small country, I don't know how could it work on a bigger scale.

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