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RE: Briefly Addressing Two Common Objections to the Philosophy of Voluntaryism.

in #video7 years ago (edited)

Yes, the principles, maybe, but probably not the art itself. Aikido's great, but I don't think most individuals, in the heat of the moment, are going to be able to think clearly enough to do something like this. Not to mention that Aikido is more of a formal art, often requiring the "assailant" to be in very specific positions favoring the application of the "defensive maneuver." I think, as Bruce Lee did, that eye-gouges, stomping toes, and smashing balls with knees is probably the best bet ;)


Of course you're right, the rapist unfamiliar with Ukemi would almost certainly end up with a broken wrist or neck!

What Aikido does offer though is the practice of remaining calm under stressful situations, which I think is useful whether yer facing a shit day at work, a rapist, or the body-armoured forces of the state.

Being able to choose to gouge out the eyes of any of the above is always preferable to doing so in a blind panic (no pun intended).

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