Samples of my Last Work for 3.Sat, German TV Channel. Video Animations.

in #video7 years ago

I've been in a maelstrom of crazy work for two days.

Since yesterday I have only slept 3 hours although I'm almost going to rest, I deserve it :) but before I wanted to show you some examples of that work that has me running.

They are animations for a report that is going to be transmitted by the German TV channel 3.Sat. This report talks about the theme of "Forecasts" or "Predictions" of the future in different aspects such as economics, politics, etc. I'm working on the part about weather predictions.

There are 19 sequences to finish next week on Thursday. I've already finished 7 and started two days ago, I hope I can achieve it in time to correct two or three things ... or improve it, that's always possible.

Of these 7 sequences that I have finished, I will show you 3, the ones I like ;)

The first is that on Earth there are satellites, airplanes, ships, buoys and meteorological weather stations measuring weather conditions all the time. The original idea of the director was this ...


And this is the final result.

All these satellites, aircraft, ships, buoys and ground stations send the readings to a data center where all this data is analyzed by a super computer. The idea of the director was ...


And the end result.

There is a network created on the planet to analyze weather data. The idea of the director was ...






The final result was.

What do you think of the videos? Did you like them?

Follow me @juanmiguelsalas


I like them!

I just hope a voice-over explains the math (I'm curious about it 8-).

Thanks @ocrdu!!! I also dont have any idea about the math ;) The voice over in the report will be more close to the text I wrote I think... and Im pretty sure even the director also dont know what that means lol!

Schaut mega spannend aus, wir hatten gerade ein ähnliches Projekt zu stemmen - aber mussten die Details an Partner auslagern

Bitteschön - ich muss Dich ml mit meinem Studio Producer bekannt machen :-)

Oh! Danke danke! :-) Neue "Connections" sind immer gut.

Good one

Which software do you use while making these animations?

Just Adobe After Effects for the animations. Pictures where worked in Photoshop.

What do you do about the 3D objects, how you make them?

Also with After Effects, I do not how to use 3D Max or Maya or any of this 3D softs. It is not a real 3D, is just an illusion :)

I am a 3D artist making architecturaal visualizations, especilly of interiors and exteriors. If you need any work regarding it, let me know.

Thanks! I will take it in account. Now I need to go to work. Have a nice day!

Ok bye , have a good day.

Great animations! What tools did you use to make them?

Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects for to do everything. Thanks for the comment @luvabi!

Whoa you slept only 3 hrs? I posted recently about watching for your health because being overworked and constantly lacking sleep got me to the ER. Rest well 😉

Ups! Thanks for the advice... What is ER @luvabi?

emergency room ;P

Ah! Ok, I hope not, will go back to bed right now ;)

lol :))

Thanks a lot @steemon for your comment!

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