Mad Meows And Tricky People

in #video7 years ago (edited)

This is the only video I remember my school playing. I read the Steemit Education homework and my first thought was but we didn't haven't video at school, what can I submit as homework?

But from somewhere in the recesses of my mind came the words "Charley says..." and a lot of mad meowing, so I looked it up on YouTube and there it was in all its technicolour glory!

Looking back on it, it is rather hilarious (I think).

Source: YouTube

(Although it says it was made in the 70's, I just like to point out I was an 80s child)

It conveys the important message:

Never Talk to Strangers

Personally, I think I may have taken the lesson too far though, as I barely talked to anyone, as strangers are everyone at first, before you know them.

For the noughties generation I have to say that I really like Pattie Fitzgerald's Safety Ever After tips, which replace the word "stranger" with "tricky people" and gives good usable advise on teaching children about what kind of behaviour is inappropriate from another child or adult.

It was a great relief to this advice work in real life for a family in Utah, where the Mum had an emergency hospital appointment, which she had to attend with her 4 children. The two youngest went in with here and the 8 and 10 year old stayed outside, as a neighbour was going to pick them up in about five minutes to take them to school.

It so happened that the neighbour took 40 minutes to arrive and in that the two boys were approached by a female and two males who asked them on a number of occasions throughout that time period to help encourage the boyfriend to come out of the bathroom to get some treatment:

“Please? You could really save his life if you’d just go in that bathroom and tell him it’s safe to come out.”

The boys stood their ground and said "no, thank you", every time.

Later, when asked why they said no thank you, they said:

“Mom, I knew they were tricky people because they were asking us for help. Adults don’t ask kids for help.”

You can read more about their story here:

OMG, I felt for that Mom and immediately set about telling my own two daughters about tricky people.

I know if I had received that information as a child, I might have known that tricky people aren't necessarily strangers, but could also be family members.

(Sorry funny turned into serious)

Hope Huggs


This teaching seems to be more current than in those times!

It's a shame that this message is still as important as ever. But I do like the difference of teaching children about tricky people, rather than strangers, as I think this is actually easier for a child to grasp and it's easier to explain too.

That’s right!

Thats so weird you should blog about this, we were just talking about this the other day, personally I believe animated videos like this should be brought back because they taught children an important lesson.

They seem to listen more to cartoons than adult, that's for sure.

How Charlie brings back memories. Do you also remember the public safety short's. The one with the quarry about drowning and the swimming bath. Such times, it is very funny looking back

The only other ones I can remember now are ones about matches and I seem to recall endless ones about the dangers of electricity. It's opened up the memory banks now - kite flying and pylons.

Nice Post!! Upvoted. Cheers!!

Yes, stay away from tricky people. That is a good thing to teach your kids! Thanks for the video and the life lesson! :)

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